188 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
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  1. #1 / 3
    Standard Member SquintGnome
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    For a simulgear dev board I am working on I want to have the players 'purchase' transports to move troops over the sea.  For example, I want them to pay 8 units for this.  Is there a way to set up factories to deduct this amount?  For example, can there be a sea zone that when they occupy it 8 units will be deducted one time only, this would represent 'purchasing' a sea transport.

    The same can be applied for air and armor units, some way of charging the player to convert from one type of unit to another.  There would be a territory with a one way border that they could put units in for a 'charge'.  This territory would then have modifiers which could improve attack and movement capabilities from that territory.

    Maybe this has already been done somewhere.


  2. #2 / 3
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    > For example, can there be a sea zone that when they occupy it 8 units will be deducted one time only, this would represent 'purchasing' a sea transport.

    I don't think you can really do this the way you want, but you could probably figure out workarounds to get close.  For example.

    Have a territory that starts with 1 unit.  Lets call it 'Transport Cost'.  Then have a factory that has Transport cost and your ocean territory as members.  Have it subtract 8 from somewhere for the expense & 1 from the Transport Cost territory.  Now it only triggers one time because it requires a unit in Transport Cost and once it triggers that unit is gone.

    There are all kinds of extra work/problems though.  You have to allow territories to go to zero, or else you can't 'turn off' factories.   How can you force a player to have 8 units in the territory you want to charge for the cost?  You can't.  Instead you would have to have 8 territories that they put one unit in each, and then 8 factories to subtract from each of those territories.  Also the 'Transport Cost' will only trigger when it is owned by the relevant player, so you need one 'transport cost' territory for each player.


  3. #3 / 3
    Standard Member SquintGnome
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    Thanks for your input Ozyman, it is a good idea.  The way I am doing it now it that each sea zone has a -1 bonus, I was looking for another possibility and i don't know how WG factories work.

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