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Pages:   «««111213141516171819»»»   (156 in total)
# Rank Flag Player Name Played Won Lost Win% H Rating Tourney Score Monthly Score Team Score Last Played Eliminated PointsScore
421 Private United Kingdom zdisabled_4494214e 119 28 91 24% 33% 0 0 0 27 Apr 2020 55 0882
422 Private United States PC17165 13 2 11 15% 15% 0 0 0 04 Apr 2013 1 0911
423 Private Germany OldShatterhand 29 4 25 14% 14% 0 0 995 28 Mar 2018 4 0837
424 Private United States xxSNIPERKINGxx 27 5 22 19% 21% 0 0 980 20 Jul 2010 1 0796
425 Private United States spoogingu 300 39 261 13% 40% 1019 0 885 31 Oct 2016 160 0802
426 Private France Bourbon Kid 19 2 17 11% 39% 986 0 990 12 Feb 2012 11 01000
427 Private United States zakimaruu 12 1 11 8% 8% 0 0 999 11 Aug 2014 0 0892
428 Private United States Kees The Great 19 8 11 42% 70% 1047 0 0 21 Jan 2021 21 01289
429 Private Italy Sole 35 2 33 6% 8% 0 0 982 12 Aug 2020 0 0736
430 Private Norway heineken 32 15 17 47% 53% 0 0 0 11 Oct 2015 17 01228
431 Private viralwhispers 1108 221 887 20% 31% 0 0 822 01 Feb 2016 336 0687
432 Private Italy angiefight 29 6 23 21% 23% 0 0 0 28 Mar 2020 1 0853
433 Major United States barter84 12 4 8 33% 50% 0 0 0 15 Nov 2015 3 01032
434 Private Germany shiml89 104 18 86 17% 34% 0 0 1055 02 Mar 2015 38 0794
435 Private Hungary Bander84 50 10 40 20% 39% 1042 0 956 15 Sep 2010 12 0920
436 Private RonMexico 219 66 153 30% 63% 0 0 1767 09 Jul 2020 287 01904
437 Private United States rly5e 11 1 10 9% 9% 0 0 0 16 Jan 2017 1 0903
438 Private United Kingdom Lord Veda 19 3 16 16% 30% 0 0 1022 30 Jan 2014 7 0949
439 Private United States blank 99 53 46 54% 57% 1153 0 984 17 Jun 2014 57 01426
440 Private United States supersky 15 1 14 7% 7% 0 0 0 24 Aug 2012 1 0802
441 Private United States Sugar Pussy 301 37 264 12% 18% 0 0 930 26 Aug 2018 51 0676
442 Private United States ITry 15 5 10 33% 60% 0 0 1018 02 Jun 2018 14 01075
443 Private United States meathammer 22 5 17 23% 47% 0 0 0 24 Mar 2012 19 01041
444 Private United States Saxneat 74 6 68 8% 9% 857 0 894 13 Nov 2019 10 0524
445 Private United States Hobie Cat 15 2 13 13% 28% 813 754 988 05 Aug 2024 5 0942
446 Private Aqqadi 1264 596 668 47% 50% 0 0 983 20 Jan 2014 616 01078
447 Private United States The Forth Reich 93 30 63 32% 35% 0 0 987 22 Nov 2016 27 0955
448 Private McDc 5702 2156 3546 38% 42% 1014 1008 906 27 Sep 2024 2302 01154
449 Private New Zealand Pla5ma Iremac 37 4 33 11% 38% 1099 1000 1009 02 Dec 2020 20 0986
450 Private China kierkegaard 12 1 11 8% 8% 0 0 0 09 Jan 2013 1 0869