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designer_workshops_and_tutorials:by_topic:factories:factories [2013/08/09 15:04]
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-====== Factories ======= 
-===== The Basics ===== 
-A Factory is nothing more than a special type of continental bonus. 
-The 'Standard/**Default**'  continents that we are all familiar with have assigned **"members"** (e.g. Brazil, Peru, Venezuela, Argentina), which gives the bonus units to the player, letting them **"place"** (//the factory part//) those units on the board. 
-A Factory is created by first assigning it **members** just like a standard continent, but instead of giving its continental bonus units to the player to place anywhere they want, the factory **places** those bonus units on the board at a pre-determined location. 
-Put another way, a factory is a continental bonus that doesn't let the player decide where the bonus units go. 
-For Purposes of the WarGear Designer, the following terms are defined: 
-**Member** -- The territory or territories that must be held by the player in order for the factory to be called. Members are more commonly known as "continents." 
-**Factory** -- The target of the allocated continental bonus. A factory can only be a single territory. 
-==== Making Factories More Powerful ==== 
-Obviously, a standard factory would only put units on the factory (the target territory) if the player already owns it, but the WarGear Designer offers designers a powerful and versatile palette of factory types.  
-For instance, if the designer not only wants the bonus to apply even if the player doesn't own the target territory, AND he also wants that enemy or neutral territory to be re-assigned to the player who holds the continent's **members**, he can use an "AutoCapture" factory. 
-The list and chart below show the range of different continental bonus types (factories) that can be specified by the designer. 
-**Default** -- The standard continental bonus that we all know and love - it puts units "in-hand," which players can place on the board anywhere they want.  
-**Standard Factory** -- specifies where the bonus goes and adds the bonus units to the territory ONLY if the player owns the territory 
-**AutoCapture Factory** -- assigns the territory to the player and adds units 
-**Universal Factory** -- adds units to territory no matter who owns it 
-**Universal Factory -N** -- adds units to territory only if it is NOT occupied by Neutral 
-**Universal Factory +N** -- adds units to territory ONLY if it is occupied by Neutral 
-==== Factory Activation Chart ==== 
-|              ^  Player owns Factory    Someone else owns Factory            Neutral owns Factory               ^ 
-^ Standard      Yes                    No                                  |  No                                 | 
-^ AutoCapture  |  Yes                    Yes -  but starting with 0+ units  |  Yes -  but starting with 0+ units   | 
-^ Universal    |  No                    |  Yes                                  Yes                                | 
-^ Universal -N |  Yes                    Yes                                  No                                 | 
-^ Universal +N |  No                    |  No                                  |  Yes                                | 
-^ AutoNeutral (//proposed//) |  Yes - The territory turns neutral  |  Yes - The territory turns neutral  |  Duh - it's already neutral  | 
-==== But There's More - Negative Factories ==== 
-Not only can factories put units on a territory, but they can also take them away. Factories can be assigned negative bonus values. 
-==== Example ==== 
-In the above screen shot from the Designer.. 
-  *Iceland, Scandinavia and UKraine have been selected as the **members** of a continent named "Trifecta." 
-  *Peru has been selected as the **factory**, or target of the bonus. 
-  *The factory is **Universal**, so it doesn't matter who occupies the territory. 
-  *If at the beginning of any players turn, they hold the the members of the continent "Trifecta, 2 units will be taken off the **factory** (Peru). 
-===== Harnessing the Power of Factories ===== 
designer_workshops_and_tutorials/by_topic/factories/factories.1376075046.txt.gz ยท Last modified: 2013/10/26 09:33 (external edit)