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This is marriage of the Monopoly and Dungeons & Dragons themes. The outer board plays like regular Monopoly. The inner board is a dungeon, with treasure and monster guardians.

The goal is, in a race with your opponents, to accumulate enough units to attack and defeat the Tarrasque and move units into Castle Greyhawk.

How the Board Works

  1. Ordered List ItemThis is a limited order game. Return to attack from fortify is ON, as is return to placement.
  2. Abandon is ON (immediate). Be careful how you attack and fortify to make sure you don't abandon a spot accidentally.
  3. Taking ownership of a territory: Defeat the neutral guardian and leave atleast 1 unit on the guardian (try to leave 1 if at all possible by transferring additional units back out) and you will take ownership of the territory at the start of your next turn, with the neutral guardian regenerating behind to guard it.
  4. Like regular Monopoly, movement on the outer board is clockwise, 2-12 positions at a time.
  5. Like regular Monopoly, there is additional bonus for owning a set of the same color territories.
  6. Like regular Monopoly, when opponents land on territories you own, there is a cost to them (either the value of the territory or the value of the set, if that has been taken).
  7. Dice in moving around the outer board is D8. Dice against the territory guardians is D10. Dice against the Tarrasque and (if necessary) Castle Greyhawk is D6.
  8. Most bonuses go to your reserve/capital (on the GO/Adventure spot). From your capital, you can fortify to any spot on the map, with exception of the NW and NE corners directly.
  9. Entrance into the Dungeon is by either the NW or NE corners of the map. Movement within the Dungeon is linear. Attacks within the Dungeon use D20 dice. Dice to/from the Pools of Radiance in the Dungeon center is D4.


  1. Default
  2. Default (without images for the Dungeon monsters)
  3. Enter the Dungeon - this is the default version, but with territorial set values tamped down, to encourage players to go to the Dungeon for treasure.
  4. Limited Movement - movement on the outer board is restricted to a range of 4 to 9 spaces. Only stagecoaches allow for the 2-12 movement range.
  5. Long Game - the Tarrasque unit count is now 100 and dice vs the Tarrasque and Castle Greyhawk is at D4.
  6. Small Dungeon - the Dungeon is significantly smaller than what is in the default scenario.

Strategies and Tips

  1. Use units from your capital to keep your attack impetus going on the outer board, but be careful mid-game not to get too many units on the board as you will need these units to make an assault on the Tarrasque.

* Strategies and Tips

boards/dnd-opoly/dnd-opoly.1562306766.txt.gz · Last modified: 2019/07/05 02:06 by Thingol