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Starting Bonus Schematics

Setting the starting bonus in the Colors Tab to non-default, causes the factories to not work in the first turn of the players with such setting. If this is a problem to your board, some solutions are presented. In addition, using factories will allow you to extend the starting bonus for more than one turn.

Note that, unlike the traditional way, these bonuses will stack with other ones instead of replacing them.

Same Bonus For All Players

Here, n represents the maximum number of players allowed by the board. Each territory must be allocated to a different seat in the Setup of the Designer or in the XML of the board. These territories are unconnected to the playboard and hidden from view - refer to Off Board Sandbox for instructions.

Regardless of the type of allocation (random or locked to seat or color), each player will get one of these territories at the start of the game. If the game is set by less players than the maximum allowed by the board, then some of these territories will go to Neutral and their factories will be silent for the entirety of the game.

As the schematic shows, at the start of each player's turn, the territory allocated to him will trigger a factory that gives the player an X amount of reserve units. In alternative, the factory can be directed to a territory in the playboard if the designer desires, and makes sure it will be owned by the intended player at the start of his first turn - multiple factories targeting multiple territories are also a possibility.

In addition, the hidden territory self neutralises itself with an AutoNeutral factory and all his factories will be silent for the rest of the game. This method works for any Abandonment and Neutral Reversion setting (check Rules).

For the sake of simplicity, in the following schematics, it will be assumed that each territory has at least one bonus giving factory and a self neutralising factory.

Extending the Bonus for Several Turns

To extend the bonus for m+1 turns, create m rows of territories similar to the first one - the only difference is that these territories are initially set to Neutral.

Link the territories with AutoCapture factories as shown in the schematic and the rows will be sequentially activated for the set amount of turns. The bonus given by each row can be different if desired.

Specific Bonus to Each Player

Preset Allocation

If allocation is locked to seat order or to color, the designer can easily set a specific bonus to each player by simply setting the bonus value of the bonus giving factories in each territory.

Random Allocation

If allocation is random, then, the designer must devise a way to ensure the specific bonuses, given to each game seat, are the same for any allocation combination of the territories dedicated to this task.

Integer Increment

Usually, the designer wishes to give more bonus the later the player takes the turn. This is done to counter the early move advantage present in many boards. This schematic provides an integer bonus increment to each player the later his/her turn.

Each column, below the first row, has n territories set to Neutral, and can be thought as belonging to the seat allocated to the territory above it. During the 1st turn round, each seat will steal one territory, and therefore, a bonus giving factory, from each other seat, while resetting any territory already stolen from it.

One can then realise, from the point of view of a given seat, the stolen territories from seats that have already taken their turn, will stay active for the next round, while the territories stolen from seats who are yet to take their turn will be neutralised. Thus, a position later in the turn order is equivalent to an additional territory, hence, an additional piece of the starting bonus - the size of this piece is the bonus value of the factory owned by each of these territories. Assuming all seats are taken, or in other words, that the game is being played with the maximum number of players allowed by the board, the 1st seat will receive no bonus and the last seat will receive a*n bonus, where a is the bonus value of the mentioned factories - it follows that a is the increment between seats. Note that these bonuses are given in the 2nd round of turns and serve mainly to set a different bonus to each seat.

designer_tutorials/tutorials/factories/starting_bonus_schematics.1490755804.txt.gz · Last modified: 2017/03/28 22:50 by redshift