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Frequently Asked Questions and Other Problems

Why don't my edits take? I hit 'Apply.'

Did you Save? It's that button in the upper right that for some reason is easy to overlook. 'Apply' is not enough. Don't feel bad - we've all been there.
If you did save and your edits still didn't take, it might be that you are attempting to edit a scenario in which you have not unlocked the appropriate settings. In the example below, if you tried to edit the borders on the Standard scenario, those changes would not apply even if you save because the “Borders” features for that scenario are locked. In the Total SimulGear scenario, the “Borders” features are unlocked, and so you can edit those. Just click on a lock icon to toggle between locked and unlocked.

I'm not able to save changes to my scenario; the designer just freezes.

This is a known issue that happens when you are have territories that are factory Members on your “main” board that you have deleted in your scenario. One workaround is to “Lock” the first four locks of the problem scenario, and then “Unlock” them, which may make you have to re-enter other territories.

I can't upload my Board Images (Mac)

On the main designer page “right-click” on the arrow at the far right for the appropriate board.

I can't upload my Cards (Mac)

It might be your browser - Try Chrome.

I can't see the player colors once I've added some territories.

Fill areas need to be one solid color. Close is not good enough. Even if you are only using Single Layer mode, read this section of a tutorial to better understand how fill images work.

I'm Dev testing my board and when a player clicks on a territory it doesn't "select."

The territory's 'color' (and thus its ownership) may be bleeding from another territory. Take a real close look at the problem territory's (fill map) borders at the pixel level.

Why is my the Nth player in my game not getting assigned seat N

The only way to ensure this is to have a different scenario for each # of players. Forum discussion here.

I'm Dev testing my new board and the factories don't seem to be working at first, but then they start working.

This is a known issue/feature that occurs if the starting bonuses for the first round have been modified. Forum discussion here.
designer_tutorials/tutorials/faqs.1396010999.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/03/28 08:49 by M57