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Currently Voting

Current Theme

* Theme Announcement Thread - “Historical Battles”


Three contests a year.

One Themed contest

A theme is picked (& announced) by Tom sometime around January 1. Mapmakers have until Dec 31 to get a board live (i.e. through the review process). A mapmaker can enter as many times as she likes.

Two theme-less contests

All maps that become live (based upon Release Date) between Jan 1 and Jun 30th of a calendar year and are not contestants in the themed contest are eligible for the Winter/Spring contest. The Summer/Fall contest covers Jul 1 to Dec 31.


Voting for each contest occurs in the 6 months following the end of the contest. A wargear user must play a game on each board (or at least 6 different boards if there are more than 6 contestants) to be eligible to vote. Players vote by ranking (up to) their top 5 boards. And can assign ties if desired.


  First prize: $100
  Second prize: $50
  Third prize: $30
  Fourth, Fifth prize: $10.

Vote Tabulation

Boards receive 5,4,3, 2 and 1 point respectively. Players do not have to vote all the way down to 5th place. If they think one board stood out, they can just vote it in 1st and it gets 5 points and the rest get none. Ties can be assigned, and are broken by averaging the point values. Examples - A tie for first is worth 4.5 for each and 3,2,1 for the next boards. A 3 way tie for 1st is worth 4 for each board. A tie for second is worth 3.5 points for each board.

Mapmaking contestants can vote, and can vote for their own board, but must vote all 5 positions if they vote.

Votes will be tabulated on a spreadsheet & at the end of the 6 months of voting whoever has the most points wins. Ties are to be resolved between the participants (recommend either an even split of prize money, or decide it on the playing field in some way). If an agreement cannot be reached, players will play a 1v1 game on Wargear Warfare to decide positions. In case of a N-way tie, players play an N-player game of Wargear Warfare for 1st position, N-1 game for 2nd position, etc.


Themed ContestWinter/Spring ContestSummer/Fall Contest
NovemberSuggestions for Tom
DecemberTom announces Theme
JanuaryMaps that go live this month are eligible Maps that go live this month are eligibleVoting
FebruaryMaps that go live this month are eligibleMaps that go live this month are eligibleVoting
March Maps that go live this month are eligible Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting
April Maps that go live this month are eligible Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting
May Maps that go live this month are eligible Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting
June Maps that go live this month are eligible Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting
July Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting Maps that go live this month are eligible
August Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting Maps that go live this month are eligible
September Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting Maps that go live this month are eligible
October Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting Maps that go live this month are eligible
November Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting Maps that go live this month are eligible
December Maps that go live this month are eligible Voting Maps that go live this month are eligible
January Voting
February Voting
March Voting
April Voting
May Voting
June Voting
designer_workshop/map_making_contest.1391554037.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/02/04 17:47 by Ozyman