204 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.06 out of 10 based on 18 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


31 Oct 2015
Reviewed by spenserroger1  Superb
Just one thing I have to say. Anything can happen.
#18 of 18
8 Jan 2015
Reviewed by asm  Poor
Not much of an achievement here. The board plays alright but there's nothing special to recommend it from a gameplay perspective; the graphical style isn't really great; the theme adds very little; the bonus scheme isn't super balanced. Below average.
#17 of 18
3 Sep 2014
Reviewed by Atkins  Fair
not my favourite, but better than many...find the graphics a bit hadrd on the eye...that said, anyone who develops a board deserves credit
#16 of 18
25 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Pappy  Great
it's different
#15 of 18
15 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Levowsky  Average
simple map. Best whitnin fog
#14 of 18
31 Mar 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Bad
I'm honestly kind of surprised that this board has such good reviews. First off, i realize that this is Ender's only board, so i don't mean to say that it should be a perfect board your first time, i appreciate you contributing this the community and making a board.

Any way, the graphics are my biggest problem here. It's basically circles (well ovals) and lines on colored splotches. The theme is accomplished just by placing a star background. Gameplay is fine. Nothing special but not bad. Board's not terrible, but in comparison with the majority i'll have to give it a 3.
#13 of 18
30 Mar 2012
Reviewed by KillDawg  Superb
#12 of 18
7 Nov 2011
Reviewed by M57  Great
A few of the borders are a bit tricky but it is a nice looking board
#11 of 18
9 May 2011
Reviewed by Scipio  Great
Very Interesting board...
#10 of 18
7 May 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Good
very interesting board visually, and game play. I forget about it, and need to play it more.
#9 of 18
22 Apr 2011
Reviewed by corvo013  Great
Good map. One turn can change the outcome.
#8 of 18
10 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Mangler  Good
A solid map. Don't expect to get many bonuses, but it incorporates well into the gameplay. This is a great one for teams as having other people to plot with in creating eliminations, which as has been stated already, is key for this board. Has a solid, easy to understand look and layout.
#7 of 18
28 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Mad Bomber  Superb
What a fun board to play! I enjoy maps with elimination bonus(15)!I don't normaly like fog, but i think it works great here. Perfect bold colors....
#6 of 18
17 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Renno  Good
#5 of 18
19 Dec 2010
Reviewed by Selesthiel  Average
It's wide open, and with no bottlenecks, definitely supports a far more aggressive strategy
#4 of 18
25 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Good
The graphics are excellent. Game play is wide open enough where you're not going to get lost in stalemates; that said, as Yertle pointed out, it's big on cards and eliminations, which means you'll need a fairly consistent aggressive style to succeed. All in all, it's an enjoyable board.
#3 of 18
7 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Yertle  Great
One of my favorite blast and cash maps. Great fun going for eliminations and keeping yourself from running too thin. Cards and eliminations will play a big role, but they keep the game going at a quick pace. Graphics are clear and correct, nicely created board for a new board designer!
#2 of 18
5 Jun 2010
Reviewed by RiskyBack  Great
I like this map. The colored blurs to show the bonuses is very nice. Units build up faster than you would think and the borders are crazy but correct. The map is clear, easy to understand and most of all, I got to see the evolution of this map and I think that gives it a special place in my cold, dark heart.
Try playing it, Risky says so!
#1 of 18