189 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.00 out of 10 based on 18 ratings

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16 Feb 2016
Reviewed by Johnny Truant  Great
Crazy as one of the first boards I played. Fun once I understood what was good!
#18 of 18
3 Jan 2012
Reviewed by Luieuil  Fair
The graphics are nice, but the gameplay is a little too luck based in the early turns. In the end the game can stall because of the border modified dice.
#17 of 18
19 Oct 2011
Reviewed by Lucasj  Great
I really enjoyed this make. The game is really based on your first few turns. Really enjoyable.
#16 of 18
4 Sep 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Superb
I appreciate this map the more I play it, good quick games that are a blast to play!
#15 of 18
17 Jun 2011
Reviewed by Mangler  Average
A beautiful looking map, but the gameplay really hinges on lucky starting position. If you start off near the shorter pipes, you can secure enough bonus to take the longer ones, and then you can really start stacking on the defensive bonus places, and then no one can break your bonuses.

If there was a way to sub-divide the larger pipes into smaller bonuses with continent bonuses of having the whole thing, it might even out the starting position disadvantage. i think the concept of this board is really solid though.
#14 of 18
12 May 2011
Reviewed by Kjeld  Good
I love the look of the board, but the gameplay seems to be too turtling-prone for my taste -- the 6v8 border mods from character to character really encourage very slow arms races, especially with the low cycling cards, in my experience.
#13 of 18
2 Apr 2011
Reviewed by Jigler  Great
big fan of the concept and look. superb graphics. Characters are cool to have. Clear instructions, not too crazy or anything. Game can be determined pretty quickly, but i still like it alot. Great job!
#12 of 18
24 Mar 2011
Reviewed by BorisTheFrugal  Great
I'm a big fan of the board, the graphics, and the gameplay.

That being said, I have 1 question and 1 suggestion:
My question: (as stated by MilesTeg) Why do some pipes have neutral units and others are empty? Seems to allow for unfair starting positions.
My suggestion: I think modifying the card bonus distribution could help fix the issue when a great starting position gives one player a position that is almost impossible to defeat.
#11 of 18
23 Mar 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Bad
I'm confused by the fact that some pipes have neutral units in them and others don't. Played on this a few times, can't say I'm really all that into it.
#10 of 18
19 Feb 2011
Reviewed by falker1976  Bad
not my favorite
#9 of 18
19 Dec 2010
Reviewed by M57  Great
Disclaimer: I have to admit that there are a number of things about this map that are just not my cup of tea. For instance, tubes full of adjacent choke-points (I don't like Antastic or Crossword puzzle-like boards either), and a theme that that I don't relate to well to (I just never understood the fascination people have with that kooky pixelated Mario image).

All that said, the board is well executed, the colors are crisp, and gameplay looks to be very well-balanced.
#8 of 18
20 Nov 2010
Reviewed by RiskyBack  Perfect
I feel as if I've reviewed this map a thousand times because I speak so highly of it (also because I think I have because they keep going away for some reason).
This map is great looking and plays even better. The use of the defense modifiers along with the fortify to any connecting allows for great choke points and strategic gameplay. The addition of limiting to just 1 fortify makes me angry when I am playing but only because something so simple makes helps this map stand out even more.
Toaster makes maps that are above and beyond standard play and not because of their trickery or gimmicks (like some people) but because they are planned out for a thoughtful game.
#7 of 18
9 Sep 2010
Reviewed by KommisMar  Superb
It's really difficult to come back from a bad first turn. This board is tons of fun, though, and it's great visually.
#6 of 18
23 Jun 2010
Reviewed by darklord  Good
Good game
#5 of 18
20 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Sff75  Average
#4 of 18
17 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Alpha  Good
Cute board with some good strategies that can be played. Seems like it is more fun with more players and I have had some great games on the board. There does seem to be the problem that once a player secures a strong position, then it is hard for anyone to stop them and the game can drag.
#3 of 18
14 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Yertle  Good
Crisp graphics with some cool gameplay! Something in the gameplay still seems a bit lacking (like the game is over too early or over long before it actually finishes), but a good map, definitely give it a shot.
#2 of 18
8 Jun 2010
Reviewed by KrocK  Good
not a fan of the game play but the graphics are brilliant.
#1 of 18