207 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.40 out of 10 based on 10 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


25 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Great
Easy basic board - though I keep forgetting the world is round!
#10 of 10
22 Mar 2016
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Good
Straightforward wraparound board. The neutrals decide who will be the picked on middle man in a 3 way game. The fortifies are interesting and can be key.
#9 of 10
13 Dec 2013
Reviewed by Levowsky  Fair
Regular board
#8 of 10
4 Sep 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Superb
the more I play this board, the more I like it, but what else would you expect from Yertle designed board?
#7 of 10
11 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Lykos  Good
Brings nothing new but works well with what is has. Good fun.
#6 of 10
10 Dec 2010
Reviewed by Jigler  Great
like the wrap-around gameplay and the round shape. :) great graphics, as always. I'd like to play a few more time to get a better feel for it, but it seemed fun to me!
#5 of 10
12 Nov 2010
Reviewed by Grey Ghost  Perfect
Good Board Design... fog definitely adds to the strategic planning it takes to win on this board. I like it!
#4 of 10
5 Aug 2010
Reviewed by hello78232  Great
I like this board quite a bit. It's a neat idea, and cleverly done. The distribution of land and bonuses worked well for me, but much of it is just luck in distribution, just like many of the boards.
#3 of 10
25 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Good
Finally - a board that's actually round! Outside of that, though, it's basically a Risk clone, not that there's anything wrong with that.
#2 of 10
15 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Pappy  Fair
Good I think. I didn't play it well.
#1 of 10