180 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.00 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


18 Feb 2017
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Good
Alright board.
#11 of 11
12 Jan 2015
Reviewed by Atkins  Great
fun board, but not my favourite. the wrap around is a good touch, but it can be a long game. that said, this another board for the strategist.
#10 of 11
9 Dec 2014
Reviewed by Quazimoto  Good
More of a defensive board. Disadvantage is the length of time a game can take. Advantage could be, if you are not an aggressive player and like to sit back and take their time, this board can be a very good one. Not much strategy though.
#9 of 11
8 Dec 2014
Reviewed by Brademonium  Good
Fun small map for quick gameplay. The wrap around the map adds a little extra to normal movements.
#8 of 11
28 Aug 2014
Reviewed by Coop  Poor
One word, BORING. With such small bonuses and cards, you can go many, many turns without even taking a territory. Game just drags on forever.
#7 of 11
21 Apr 2014
Reviewed by Levowsky  Average
best with fog
#6 of 11
28 Apr 2013
Reviewed by Minimal  Good
The other reviewers have lauded the wrap around but I have to say I disagree. While playing I found it a bit confusing. Often times I had to check and doublecheck where the wrapped territories were connected. Another thing I disliked when playing on it with the default settings: I don't understand the logic behind flat card rates! It makes games drag on (waiting for cards to go for a kill becomes difficult) and rewards players lucky enough to draw a match quickly even more than before! I suppose that has nothing to do with the map itself, but it still affected my game in an undesirable way and, as far as I know, the map creator decides the default settings. Lastly, I think the map is a little too connected. Makes it extremely challenging to hold down any continent. Not to say a map with chokepoints everywhere would be better, but I think some balancing is in order with that aspect that I am not totally pleased with here.

Its strengths are key: basic, easy-on-the-eyes, dynamic, and unique.

#5 of 11
31 Mar 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Average
This board is a 6.5 in my opinion -- just above average. It's simple and easy to play (which i like to see). The pastel color-scheme is not really that appealing to me, but it does separate this board and make it unique. I like the rap-around countries, well done with that! Over all it's a solid board.
#4 of 11
20 Dec 2011
Reviewed by BorisTheFrugal  Great
Good graphics (like all of Krock's boards) and good map edge wrap. Strategic and makes for good play. I'm a fan!
#3 of 11
12 Dec 2011
Reviewed by Glurbzor  Perfect
Very strategic and tough, yet simple and pleasant board. Simply my favourite board ever on wargear.net!
#2 of 11
21 Jan 2011
Reviewed by The Rope  Good
I have only played this map once, but I won my game and now have a championship point because of it. I think this map rocks because of that. But seriously, his map was pretty good. The wrap around aspect in particular was executed very well.
#1 of 11