198 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.11 out of 10 based on 18 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


22 Apr 2020
Reviewed by Litotes  Good
Good board, not the most varied but makes for a nice fairly quick game with enough unpredictability to keep you interested (if you like that sort of thing).
#18 of 18
1 Feb 2015
Reviewed by asm  Perfect
This is my favorite board ever created. That should speak for itself. Do you know who I am??
#17 of 18
8 Dec 2014
Reviewed by Brademonium  Good
Game can move very quickly with abandon territories, but it provides for fun gameplay.
#16 of 18
15 Jun 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Fair
there is such a spread on opinion to this board that you need to play it for yourself. I like the theme and design, but the board always plays so fast that i never really feel like i experienced it. Maybe when i win a game i'll feel more comfortable with it.
#15 of 18
22 Apr 2011
Reviewed by corvo013  Good
Abandon territories can bite you if you're not careful. Good board. Clean lines and clear cut bonuses.
#14 of 18
2 Apr 2011
Reviewed by dl3mk3  Bad
Initially the look is alright, but playing it is terrible to pick up quickly. Attack lines are not apparent and i needed to go back to board to figure out where i could attack too and be attacked from, colors blend together and i felt the board had bad playability.
#13 of 18
23 Mar 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Good
Cool board. I'd say that the indication of bonuses could be a little bit more clear. Overall, it's a fun map, though.
#12 of 18
19 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Tesctassa II  Superb
Intriguing board. Scouting is crucial!
#11 of 18
7 Nov 2010
Reviewed by blargman54  Fair
Wasn't bad. it was kind of confusing.
#10 of 18
22 Oct 2010
Reviewed by MechaRoach  Perfect
Whether you win or lose, it's fun to run and gun through this maze of fog. Excellent map.
#9 of 18
19 Oct 2010
Reviewed by j-bomb  Perfect
lot's of fun to play, and very fast
#8 of 18
10 Oct 2010
Reviewed by river  Superb
This one plays very well. I keep getting killed, but, I still love it.
#7 of 18
14 Jul 2010
Reviewed by KrocK  Perfect
Read the reviews below, play a game then make up your mind... I have 10/10
#6 of 18
25 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Oatworm  Superb
For many boards out there, fog is what makes them playable. For this board, fog is what makes it fantastic. Well done!
#5 of 18
5 Jun 2010
Reviewed by RiskyBack  Superb
Yup, I love this map. It's always a matter of thinking "are these 6 armies enough?". It's a great use of fog and really makes you wonder what is around the next corner.
On a personal note, any map that has a "Secret Passage" that is designated on the map by being labeled "Secret Passage" is already the winner of the "RiskyBack Borderline Ironic Award"
#4 of 18
31 Mar 2010
Reviewed by StepOnMe  Perfect
An awesome board that never gets old and somehow always seems to creep me out a bit with the fog covering who's where with how many armies.
#3 of 18
16 Feb 2010
Reviewed by paulharrow  Superb
Wonderfully themed with a game play atmosphere to match. This board couldn't be more nerve-racking if the flesh eating zombies really existed. Fortune favours the brave (and sometimes even the fool-hardy) in this modern classic. Seasoned players will take advantage of the first move in low player count games, otherwise a "10".
#2 of 18
12 Feb 2010
Reviewed by Yertle  Perfect
Awesome settings, awesome gameplay, awesome layout. AWESOME BOARD! Don't know of anything that I would change or any improvements that could occur, hence the Perfect 10!
#1 of 18