188 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 9.00 out of 10 based on 6 ratings

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30 Apr 2018
Reviewed by Litotes  Superb
Very fun board to play with what could be a site record for bonus areas (?). Be prepared for someone getting huge bonuses before long, if it's not you you're in trouble.
#6 of 6
3 Nov 2015
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Perfect
Wow, Edward Nygma knows how to make a cool board! Stay away from 6-player games, as the cards will heavily favor later players, with the 6th player getting the biggest card bonus each time. Also, when playing, keep an eye on who has the central piece in every square, you are able to "see" the owners of each central piece, and in many cases (but not always!) be able to deduce that that player controls the whole square. That plays into how you want to develop your attack.
#5 of 6
5 Mar 2012
Reviewed by Aloner  Perfect
Love it! :)
#4 of 6
13 Jan 2012
Reviewed by Luieuil  Great
Not a straightforward board. Game mechanics are the same, but bonus structure is different from continents or hordes. Best played with little or medium fog, else the game is too open.
#3 of 6
24 Dec 2011
Reviewed by Sinbad  Superb
What he said! I enjoyed this board a lot and look forward to playing again.
#2 of 6
6 Dec 2011
Reviewed by Jigler  Great
Beautiful board, fun and fairly simple bonus style and dynamics. Large bonus game where a solid start is critical. Tough to know when to break someone else's bonus and when to simply work on your own. Multiplication of bonuses makes for interesting play, and towers are nice too.
#1 of 6