177 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 6.67 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


17 Jul 2018
Reviewed by Andernut  Perfect
I find this a neat little board and enjoy the simple mechanics and simulgear play.
#3 of 3
13 Jul 2014
Reviewed by ratsy  Fair
The way this board plays is... meh. I mean, it's good if you're getting good dice, and it's bad if your getting bad dice.

Essentially very linear... which is... okay.

Heavily favors being agressive... you should be.
#2 of 3
15 Jun 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Fair
I hate to be the first review of this board and only give a 5. The graphics are simple but fine. Gameplay is unique and works well. This board just isn't for me, not my style. I'm not big on heavy use of artillery boarders, but if you are this is the board for you! it's all about how well you can defend against and attack with artillery.
#1 of 3