181 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.57 out of 10 based on 7 ratings

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31 Dec 2014
Reviewed by asm  Great
Really nice board. Some innovative ideas that haven't been explored before or since.
#7 of 7
23 Aug 2014
Reviewed by itsnotatumor  Average
Loved the series. Decent game play, and layout, but I wish the names were more accurate.
#6 of 7
20 May 2013
Reviewed by Pappy  Good
only played once. nothing to add
#5 of 7
22 Jun 2011
Reviewed by Mad Bomber  Superb
The colors really look good on this board. Gameplay was excellent.
#4 of 7
20 Apr 2011
Reviewed by corvo013  Good
Mountain regions add a bit of extra to the gameplay. Grey makes the mountain regions harder to see.
#3 of 7
10 Dec 2010
Reviewed by The Rope  Good
The shared territories make for a great board dynamic. I have to admit that when I first saw Belgariad, I was expecting something different though. I am sold though, this map is great in its own right. I would still like to see a Belgariad with the real nations as continents.
#2 of 7
20 Jul 2010
Reviewed by rcnick4  Superb
The fact that mountains defend and attack +1 AND are shared by neighboring continents makes this board a very interesting departure from standard Risk play.
#1 of 7