206 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.38 out of 10 based on 8 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


5 Jun 2023
Reviewed by jungkerl  Great
good game
#8 of 8
13 Jun 2013
Reviewed by Coop  Terrible
No clue what this board is supposed to be.
#7 of 8
24 Dec 2012
Reviewed by smoke  Great
Really like it. See Blackdog's review. I'd rate it higher, but the lack of history requires a lot of tedious exploring in the later rounds. However, I think the combination of abandon, fog, and lack of history are key parts of what makes this board so challenging, so I don't see a way around the occasional tedium.
#6 of 8
1 Oct 2012
Reviewed by WestBeast510  Superb
Great board. I love the abandonment and ability to sneak around the board. Not a 10 because I just can't seem to get to the deeper wells, no matter how many times I play this. It seems like the reward isn't there for it.
#5 of 8
28 Jun 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Great
This board is very original, fun, and interesting! The factory style bonuses being used as digging for oil is brilliant, and the gameplay on the surface is fun as well. Graphics are beautiful. I look forward to many more games on this board!
#4 of 8
27 Jun 2012
Reviewed by BorisTheFrugal  Superb
See the first half of BlackDog's review. Spot on.
#3 of 8
14 Apr 2012
Reviewed by snipehunter  Good
Would be great, except for the abandon. None of the games I've been on have used the wells that much. Because people can abandon, they just get all their troops on one territory and take the steam roller approach and end up wiping out the players who are trying to dig wells.
#2 of 8
16 Feb 2012
Reviewed by BlackDog  Great
Refreshingly different, with clever use of factories, vision, and multiple methods of gaining reinforcements. I think that this is one that people are going to hate on because it is NOT simple. Timing is key here, I find that I can often let my opponents do the work drilling oil wells, which I then steal and suck dry. Abandon makes for a more dynamic game, which is crucial because the bonus structure would otherwise encourage camping on resources.
#1 of 8