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  1. #1 / 43
    Standard Member RoyalCrown
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    I realize that there is no infraction here or any cause for action, but regardless I want the public to see that this kind of stuff does go on and should possibly be discussed. The above game was a quick time game with total fog. The opposition (I will leave his username out, click the link if your interested) stopped taking his turn once he/she realized that the game was over. I shouldn't say he/she stopped taking the turns but stopped taking the turns promptly. If Tom looked at the time stamps of each move he could verify. The opposition, once the game was essentially decided, waited until the very last second to take his turn just to drag it out the inevitable. He/she took turn around the 9 minute 30 second mark every turn past the 2nd round. The first two turns played out just like a normal game (typical 1 to 2 minute turn). This action was done solely to drag the game out when he/she knew the game was over.

    Once again I know there has not been any official infraction here but I really am curious was others think of this. 

  2. #2 / 43
    Standard Member Thingol
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    I think everyone could do without the "you are weak" type of comments.

  3. #3 / 43
    Standard Member Sako
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    And just few months ago you complained this player was surrendering :


    look like you guys cant stand each other... Dudes, make peace !

  4. #4 / 43
    Standard Member AttilaTheHun
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    RoyalCrown wrote:



    I realize that there is no infraction here or any cause for action, but regardless I want the public to see that this kind of stuff does go on and should possibly be discussed. The above game was a quick time game with total fog. The opposition (I will leave his username out, click the link if your interested) stopped taking his turn once he/she realized that the game was over. I shouldn't say he/she stopped taking the turns but stopped taking the turns promptly. If Tom looked at the time stamps of each move he could verify. The opposition, once the game was essentially decided, waited until the very last second to take his turn just to drag it out the inevitable. He/she took turn around the 9 minute 30 second mark every turn past the 2nd round. The first two turns played out just like a normal game (typical 1 to 2 minute turn). This action was done solely to drag the game out when he/she knew the game was over.

    Once again I know there has not been any official infraction here but I really am curious was others think of this. 

    I agree, this was a jerk move.  He played within the bounds of the rules, however.

    If 10 minutes is too long, use a Fischer clock for your lightning games.

    "If an incompetent chieftain is removed, seldom do we appoint his highest-ranking subordinate to his place" - Attila the Hun

  5. #5 / 43
    Brigadier General M57 M57 is offline now
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    Like Attila says.  This is a flaw of the 10 minute clock - It is why I only play with the Fisher clock at reasonable settings.  Players can still employ the tactic, but it cuts way down on the annoyance factor

    That said, because it is not technically cheating, if a player's use of this tactic becomes an established pattern, I see no reason the community couldn't/shouldn't "out" them. Personally, I would try to do in a way that doesn't involve invective.  Just like I might say "Watch out when you play Attila; he has a tendency to hide a large amount of armies behind his front lines"

    Example: Xyz player used this tactic against me in suchandsuch game.  I am setting them as an enemy, and I'll only play him in non-lightning games, but you can do whatever you want.

    I don't know.. Some people may decide to play the guy and use his own tactic on him.

    Also, and I'm not picking on Royal, he is well within his rights to be frustrated and angry, but by not filling in the accusation with name-calling in the header, the accused player is in a much more likely to

    A: defend his actions in a civil manner OR

    B: realize that what he did is not a good idea and change his strategy, with much less loss of face.


    Occasionally remind yourself that the person you are talking about or talking to might actually be a really good 12 or 13 year old player who is still developing their ethical standards. By the way RC, with that in mind, I thought your comments in the game were commendable.

    It should be possible to play WG boards in real-time ..without the wait, regardless of how many are playing.
    Edited Sat 13th Oct 07:01 [history]

  6. #6 / 43
    Standard Member Hugh
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    Yep - use the Fischer clock with a small increment! Problem solved. This is why the Fischer clock should be more popular. (I only start lightning games because people somehow trust it more.)

    Use something like a 10 minute max clock with a 30 second or 1 minute increment.  Then once the 10 minutes elapses, they can only be a jerk for 30 seconds to a minute at a time.

  7. #7 / 43
    Standard Member timmy888
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    Thread 1


    Thread 2



    Anyone who cares about this (and I doubt many people do) should read these threads to familiarize themselves with the situation before continuing to read.

    In Thread 2 RoyalCrown calls me out by name and slanders me for surrendering in a game. After said game he posted on my wall that no one should play with me because I am a quitter. I responded in kind on his wall and he proceeded to say in this forum that insults on other peoples walls are inappropriate.

    In Thread 1 RoyalCrown is accused of malicious behavior because he was prolonging a game he could have won. RoyalCrown's defense was that the other player was wasting his time by not surrendering and that furthermore it was inappropriate to call a player out by name on this forum.

    In this thread I am being called a jerk for prolonging a game I was losing.

    So to summarize:

    1: It is permissible for RoyalCrown to call people out by name, yet impermissible for people to call him out by name.

    2: If you are losing you should surrender to RoyalCrown so as not to waste his time, unless of course you surrender before RoyalCrown has deemed it permissible to do so.

    3: If RoyalCrown decides to prolong a game to teach his opponent a lesson it is permissible, however it is impermissible for an opponent to prolong a game with RoyalCrown.

    4: It is permissible for RoyalCrown to post mean and disparraging remarks on your wall. It is impermissible to post mean and disparraging remarks on RoyallCrown's wall in response.

    RoyalCrown, just to make sure there are absolutely no misunderstandings on this issue: I think you are a punk. I will continue to play my game as I see fit and within the allocated timer as is my right to do so. Keep posting your crap on the forum but I no longer will respond because its a waste of brainpower.

    If I am a betting man (and I am) I would wager that you were a tattletale in school. That you're much smarter than your boss (although management fails to see this) and that you are much better looking than your friends (yet girls are stupid and don't see it themselves).

    Look in the mirror you sad, strange little man.

    You have my pity.

    Edited Sat 13th Oct 14:47 [history]

  8. #8 / 43
    Standard Member RoyalCrown
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    Above comment proves all points I have made.

  9. #9 / 43
    Standard Member BlackDog
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    I've played here for two and a half years, and I haven't yet run into someone annoying enough to post on the forums about.. I wonder why that might be?

  10. #10 / 43
    Standard Member RoyalCrown
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    Sorry BlackDog. I'll keep it to a minimum from here on out, I did honestly feel the situation called for a public discussion. When a player specifically does something just to anger the other player on purpose I'm going to take action.

  11. #11 / 43
    Premium Member Andernut
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    You're both wrong. 

    Intentionally delaying turns trying to cause your opponent to lose a game they are winning because they have to go somewhere or may forget about a turn is despicable.

    I'm not following the threads Timmy posted. If they are, as he says, as contradictory as they seem then that is weird behaviour on RC's part.  They do not however make valid the tactic of stalling games.

    I have sometimes gotten crazy at work and run upstairs to take a turn on a timer to stay in the game... or gotten repeatedly distracted during a lightning game by the internet... but erratic behaviour of an opponent doesn't justify waiting 9 minutes 30 seconds repeatedly to piss off an opponent or try and dupe them out of a win.

    Edited Tue 16th Oct 16:25 [history]

  12. #12 / 43
    Standard Member Candy Cane
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    Andernut wrote:

    Intentionally delaying turns trying to cause your opponent to lose a game they are winning because they have to go somewhere or may forget about a turn is despicable.


    But it IS also a potentially winning strategy. 

    just remember, it is a game.  if your ego cannot take a defeat, don't play.

  13. #13 / 43
    Premium Member Andernut
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    Candy Cane wrote:
    Andernut wrote:

    Intentionally delaying turns trying to cause your opponent to lose a game they are winning because they have to go somewhere or may forget about a turn is despicable.


    But it IS also a potentially winning strategy. 

    just remember, it is a game.  if your ego cannot take a defeat, don't play.

    Signing up multiple accounts is a winning strategy.  Just remember, it is a game.  If your ego cannot take a defeat, don't play.

  14. #14 / 43
    Standard Member Aiken Drumn
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    Well no, that is against the rules. There are no rules against taking the allotted time.

    Off Topic!

  15. #15 / 43
    Standard Member 3EyedTitan
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    AttilaTheHun wrote:

    ...If 10 minutes is too long, use a Fischer clock for your lightning games.


  16. #16 / 43
    Standard Member RoastedPickles
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    RoyalCrown wrote:

    Sorry BlackDog. I'll keep it to a minimum from here on out, I did honestly feel the situation called for a public discussion. When a player specifically does something just to anger the other player on purpose I'm going to take action.

    hahahaha your such a hypocrite. timmy888 is so000 right. just gave me so much crap because i refused to surrender ,prolonging the game an hour longer than it needed to be.

  17. #17 / 43
    Standard Member BTdubs
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    3EyedTitan wrote:
    AttilaTheHun wrote:

    ...If 10 minutes is too long, use a Fischer clock for your lightning games.




    Drawing out a game is the hack-a-Shaq move of quick games - it's unsportsmanlike and annoying, but the rules of the game both enable and constrain the effectiveness of the tactic. Reasonable responses include a) cruising to victory without letting on that you are annoyed, b) playing Fischer clock instead, c) retaliating in kind with your own 10-min turns, wasting their time, too, d) avoiding players who do this.


    For what it's worth, I think expressing your annoyance at all is a mistake. You are giving your opponent free information.  If you're pissed and letting them know, they're feeling great about annoying you and getting some measure of revenge for the loss.  If you're pissed and silently, implacably crushing them, they might hope to annoy you, but only really know they are losing. 



  18. #18 / 43
    Standard Member RoyalCrown
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    BTdubs wrote:

    For what it's worth, I think expressing your annoyance at all is a mistake. You are giving your opponent free information.  If you're pissed and letting them know, they're feeling great about annoying you and getting some measure of revenge for the loss.  If you're pissed and silently, implacably crushing them, they might hope to annoy you, but only really know they are losing. 

    This is the concept RoastedPickles does not understand. 

  19. #19 / 43
    Standard Member RoastedPickles
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    you realize this thread was started because you were expressing your annoyance.....

  20. #20 / 43
    Standard Member RoyalCrown
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    RoastedPickles wrote:

    you realize this thread was started because you were expressing your annoyance.....

    You realize that your involvement in this thread is because of your annoyance? Think a little bit please.

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