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3 Open Realtime games
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  1. #21 / 27
    Standard Member ratsy
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    It also allows you to avoid forcing your fortifies. 

    If you attack - lets say the last territory in a state - in order to complete it, then you want to defend your state - if you haven't placed all your units you can put them down at the entrances - whereas if you have placed them all, you can only fortify them to where they need to be. 

    But you take the chance initially of not taking the state. 

    "I shall pass this but once, any good I can do, or kindness I can show; let me do it now. Let me not difer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." -Stephen Grellet

  2. #22 / 27
    Standard Member Korrun
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    Amidon37 wrote:

    Look at the histories of any game of mine. It's tedious but it keeps your options open.

    Without a doubt.

  3. #23 / 27
    Standard Member Korrun
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    Okay, so two reasons:

    1. Exploring through the fog and not needing to fortify back when you find a stack you can't get past.
    2. Being particularly successful capturing your first objective and not needing to use a fortify to start attacking your second objective.

    So basically it is to not use up fortifies.

  4. #24 / 27
    Major General asm asm is offline now
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    I think it's broader than that. It's to avoid committing to a course of action without having all available information. There might be two discrete areas that I'm interested in setting down a bunch of armies and attacking a city, but I could only have enough armies to take one of the two. In a game with fog and strict place->attack->fortify, I'd have to guess and take my chances. With RTP and RTA turned on, I can put down a minimal number of armies to find out what I'm up against before committing the bulk of my reinforcements.

    There are numerous type of scenarios like this where it comes in handy. To use a different example, have you played Mall of the Dead? Another great way to use RTP and RTA.

    Been gone a while. You all did a good job holding down the fort.

  5. #25 / 27
    Standard Member itsnotatumor
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    Amidon37 wrote:

    You can't plan for everything.  Why commit to something that you can always do later?

    Look at the histories of any game of mine on return to placement maps.  It's place, attack, place, attack, place, attack, place, attack, ....  It's tedious but it keeps your options open.


    If it's clear where you want your troops, and have more than enough fortifies for any contingency you can plop them.  But, if there is any question I would drop them about 1-3 at a time.  Especially, if you're searching for that next elim in the card chain to run the table. 

  6. #26 / 27
    Standard Member KissinTiddies10
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    Can you toggle game history off on this board?

  7. #27 / 27
    Standard Member Korrun
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    Game history cannot be toggled on any board. It is set by the board designer.

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