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2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 3
    Standard Member Thingol
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    Well, I guess the writers of the show are in rivalry with JJ Abrams to see how many 'miracles' they can pull off.  JJ is known for having a plethora of final-second saves from left field. In the Battle of Winterfell alone, there were atleast 8 miracle moments.  Don't these 'geniuses' realize that just one of these is enough and anything more just numbs the brain to the point of non-caring?

  2. #2 / 3
    Standard Member Korrun
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    Stories are always better with more ex machina.

  3. #3 / 3
    Standard Member Aiken Drumn
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    Thingol wrote:

    Well, I guess the writers of the show are in rivalry with JJ Abrams to see how many 'miracles' they can pull off.  JJ is known for having a plethora of final-second saves from left field. In the Battle of Winterfell alone, there were atleast 8 miracle moments.  Don't these 'geniuses' realize that just one of these is enough and anything more just numbs the brain to the point of non-caring?

    They fucked the whole thing and I hate them for it. Delete the last series from my brain please.


    I wish we do get the books... somehow I doubt it though.

    Off Topic!

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