188 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #41 / 73
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    M57 wrote:
    Ozyman wrote:

    Sure that's what you get for premium, but if you're willing to pay up for premium plus,.... 

    Cheat Codes for sixes!??

    I roll only 7s.

  2. #42 / 73
    Hey....Nice Marmot BorisTheFrugal
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    I know that Korrun was being facetious, but I love when peons claim that Tom tweaks the game engine to give premium members an advantage. 

    I have been a paying member for  10 years, I buy the 5 year package deal and would buy an even more expensive package if it were possible (I believe in the site, and I like to do my part to help keep Tom's head above water), and I've gifted multiple memberships to other players. 

    If they were right and giving money gives you advantages, then I should be getting some of the best dice advantage.  But my Global Ranking begs to differ.....


    Also, to bring this back to original topic:  If you're losing to Dud, trust me, it's not because he is a cheat.   It's because he's flat better than you.  Accept your mediocrity and move on (as I have).

  3. #43 / 73
    Standard Member Johasi Vidad
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    BorisTheFrugal wrote:

    I know that Korrun was being facetious, but I love when peons claim that Tom tweaks the game engine to give premium members an advantage. 

    I have been a paying member for  10 years, I buy the 5 year package deal and would buy an even more expensive package if it were possible (I believe in the site, and I like to do my part to help keep Tom's head above water), and I've gifted multiple memberships to other players. 

    If they were right and giving money gives you advantages, then I should be getting some of the best dice advantage.  But my Global Ranking begs to differ.....


    Also, to bring this back to original topic:  If you're losing to Dud, trust me, it's not because he is a cheat.   It's because he's flat better than you.  Accept your mediocrity and move on (as I have).

    Love this

    Like to play unique boards come join the Board Revival Group - http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/4082p1/Board_Revival_Group

  4. #44 / 73
    Premium Member Chele Nica
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    BorisTheFrugal wrote:

    I know that Korrun was being facetious, but I love when peons claim that Tom tweaks the game engine to give premium members an advantage. 

    I have been a paying member for  10 years, I buy the 5 year package deal and would buy an even more expensive package if it were possible (I believe in the site, and I like to do my part to help keep Tom's head above water), and I've gifted multiple memberships to other players. 

    If they were right and giving money gives you advantages, then I should be getting some of the best dice advantage.  But my Global Ranking begs to differ.....


    Also, to bring this back to original topic:  If you're losing to Dud, trust me, it's not because he is a cheat.   It's because he's flat better than you.  Accept your mediocrity and move on (as I have).


  5. #45 / 73
    Standard Member Korrun
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    Ozyman wrote:
    M57 wrote:
    Korrun wrote:

    The main form of cheating on this site is players who have given Tom money for their accounts to have certain "advantages".

    which are..??

    I wouldn't call Premium membership features related to gameplay 'advantages' so much as I would call them 'conveniences.' For instance keeping a current count of bonuses, armies and those for all visible armies on the board.  Premium members don't get any information that a Standard player can't figure out for themselves, but the information you do get is admittedly relevant and therefore very helpful.  I'm a Standard member these days and my game count will stay low ..not because I have a ten game limit, but because I miss the stats and the game is not as fun without them.

    Luck stats  (a cool Premium feature) do nothing for your game, ..though they do enable you to complain about how unlucky you were ..with the semblance of data to back your claim.

    Sure that's what you get for premium, but if you're willing to pay up for premium plus,.... 

    Now that's what I'm talking about.

  6. #46 / 73
    Standard Member headliner53
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    Bake wrote:I have played Dud many times over the years and he doesn't cheat, sometimes he is very lucky, like so lucky that you would think he and Tom are good buds and he has paid Tom off or something. He pissed me off so bad that I don't play him head to head anymore cause he wins like 90 percent of the time.
    No, Dud is good people as everyone else is saying on this post. Sad that one person has a poor outlook and wants to blame others for his misfortune.. 

  7. #47 / 73
    Standard Member zdisabled_b956d07b
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    omg they got pay to win dice in risk how pathetic

  8. #48 / 73
    Standard Member BTdubs
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    TheNewWorldOrder wrote:omg they got pay to win dice in risk how pathetic

    I see you have been here for exactly three days. I can’t tell if you’re joining in the joking or actually think there are dice advantages available.

    To be clear: there are not pay to win dice on this site.

    There is a fair amount of whining about losing, and a fair amount of joking.

    Lots of us have been around a long time and amassed winning records, some of us without paying for premium.

    Enjoy your games, and read the board description when you try any new board. Some boards DO have borders where the dice are different than classic risk, and yeah, you will lose if you don’t know about that.

  9. #49 / 73
    Standard Member Abraham the Mage
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    Look, I've been on this site for a few years now, and I will be open about the fact that I used to be someone else - DeVine. I do not hide that and only opened this account AFTER the last one got deactivated by Tom on my request. You can probably check that out if you don't believe me. But anyway, to the point: I have never encountered a cheater, or anyone who might be one on this site. You can't do it, and the elder members and admin (AKA Tom) cannot be paid off. As has been pointed out, the main way to cheat here is to have multiple accounts active together, which, incidentally, is something GVA was accused of only a few months before bit into Dud. Coincidence? I'd tend to think not, being as clean players don't think along those lines. But whatever.

    To everyone who has no issue playing normally and NOT accusing everyone and their grandmother of cheating (except at golf ;) ), thanks for making this such a great site. See you all around.

  10. #50 / 73
    Standard Member agwyvern
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    Oh for $DEITY's sake. Is TheNewWorldOrder yet another iteration of GVA/codhunter/eligrafclark/etc/etc/etc? (It's been a few weeks since egc last graced us with his presence... a very pleasant few weeks, if I do say so myself.)

    *Three* games into his tenure here, and he spouts off this garbage at lx260 (the primary target of HeWhoHadManyNamesButIsNowSimplyZDISABLED) ( https://www.wargear.net/games/view/81401529), and *ten* games (what restraint he shows!) before launching into conspiracy theories ( https://www.wargear.net/games/view/81401893).

    Walks like a duck, talks like a duck.

    Edited Mon 20th Nov 00:26 [history]

  11. #51 / 73
    Standard Member agwyvern
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    It appears I may have been wrong :-)

    https://www.wargear.net/games/view/81401521 ...

    He's indicated (on 18Nov) that he's leaving because this is a pay-to-play site :-D

  12. #52 / 73
    Standard Member Abraham the Mage
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    Gosh, I miss eligraphclark. A fun opponent, being as they frequently gave up way too soon.

  13. #53 / 73
    Standard Member agwyvern
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    Abraham the Mage wrote:Gosh, I miss eligraphclark. A fun opponent, being as they frequently gave up way too soon.

    Whereas I *don't* miss him, in any of his multitudinous incarnations.

    Any benefit in ranking was more than offset by his incessant complaining about the games being rigged, cheating, personal insults, etc.

    I've not been sorry to see the back of him, every time.

    (Yes, at times I've bemoaned *my fate* due to the capricious nature of the Dice Gods, but I *hope* that I haven't done so in such a fashion as to imply it's anything other than the fickle whims of Fate.)

    Edited Tue 21st Nov 19:09 [history]

  14. #54 / 73
    Standard Member Abraham the Mage
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    Oh, but people like that never go away. They'll be back, or at least replaced with a similarly odious individual, so the only real option is to ignore them and enjoy the free ranking points.

  15. #55 / 73
    Standard Member BTdubs
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    You ever think about how this is exactly how some people would behave in a multiverse?

    Ah this sucks, lemme step into a parallel dimension where everyone else remains the same but nobody knows my identity so nobody knows I’m an a-hole.

    Ten days later everybody knows.

  16. #56 / 73
    Enginerd weathertop
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    Abraham the Mage wrote:Oh, but people like that never go away. They'll be back, or at least replaced with a similarly odious individual, so the only real option is to ignore them and enjoy the free ranking points.

    i dunno... i've been blessedly unaffected / unaware of this level of condemnatory malcontent in almost 2 years (since these threads went dormant). 😞

    I'm a man.
    But I can change,
    if I have to,
    I guess...

  17. #57 / 73
    Standard Member agwyvern
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    weathertop wrote:Abraham the Mage wrote:Oh, but people like that never go away. They'll be back, or at least replaced with a similarly odious individual, so the only real option is to ignore them and enjoy the free ranking points.

    i dunno... i've been blessedly unaffected / unaware of this level of condemnatory malcontent in almost 2 years (since these threads went dormant). 😞

    There's one particular malcontent (mentioned above) who has gone by a *lot* of aliases (I have a list somewhere), many of which have been disabled (I have little doubt that he has more).

    He primarily frequents real-time format 2-player games of Wargear Warfare and Continental Crusade (or whatever that one's called). It usually takes a few weeks before his behaviour reverts to 'normal' and he starts lobbing unoriginal profanity, complaints about rigged dice, cheating, 'protected' players, etc.

    We appear to be in an interregnum period just now -- I presume he's laying low, waiting for a while before returning with a new alias, or is already here (in his initial quiet period) either under a new alias or one of hist stock that he has created and left dormant over the years.

    We shall enjoy it while it lasts ;-)

  18. #58 / 73
    Premium Member lx260
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    agwyvern wrote:Abraham the Mage wrote:Gosh, I miss eligraphclark. A fun opponent, being as they frequently gave up way too soon.

    Whereas I *don't* miss him, in any of his multitudinous incarnations.

    Any benefit in ranking was more than offset by his incessant complaining about the games being rigged, cheating, personal insults, etc.

    I've not been sorry to see the back of him, every time.

    (Yes, at times I've bemoaned *my fate* due to the capricious nature of the Dice Gods, but I *hope* that I haven't done so in such a fashion as to imply it's anything other than the fickle whims of Fate.)

    I think he's back


  19. #59 / 73
    Standard Member agwyvern
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    Yeah, pretty much guaranteed that's the twit.

    He (this user name) actually quit for all of, what, two weeks, but now has started up again.


  20. #60 / 73
    Standard Member Thingol
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    agwyvern wrote:Yeah, pretty much guaranteed that's the twit.

    lol, cracks me up.

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