193 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 2
    Premium Member Spider
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    Join Date
    Jan 11

    Hi All, thought I'd make a quick strategy pit stop.

    I wonder what general rules of thumb you live by for fortifying to teammates, especially on big boards . How do you plan/prioritize?

    This may be part of my play that needs the most work, I think. . . others may disagree. 😅.

    Here is what I look for:

    1. Team Fortify armies to the front lines where your partners can use them to break bonuses,
    2. Team Fortify armies to your partner so they can quickly color up a bonus,
    3. When attacking 2P v 1P for a continent, attack 3 v. 2, then pass remaining armies to your partner so they can attack with 3 v. 2, if they play before the opponent.
    4. Know when not to fortify . . . when breaking the opponent is all that matters,
    5. Talk, ask for armies back from your partner,

    Any thoughts or comments? I'm hoping to work on this in my own independent games and in team games. Thanks to those who have taught me this much through good play and conversations.


  2. #2 / 2
    Enginerd weathertop
    Brigadier General
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    Join Date
    Nov 09

    think you've covered the big points. especially where/when *not* to (don't leave an open back door so you can attack up front) and communicate (i've been known to miss a transfer or two until a turn or two passes cus i just didn't see it).

    I'm a man.
    But I can change,
    if I have to,
    I guess...

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