178 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 3
    Premium Member Spider
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    Jan 11

    Would it be possible for wargear.net to auto-generate a minimal number (1-3) of realtime games on the standard WGWF board? I'm guessing, if the most popular format for fast play realtime games (Fischer Clock, lightning, no fog) on WGWF were always listed under "Join Game," that we might increase the overall number of live games . . . and we might make it easier for new players to find an immediate game to play, while they're getting accustom to the game list and its options, and the manner in which you can build your own game.

    Imagine if every time you logged into wargear.net, there was an open 2 p, 3 p, and 4 p game just hanging out waiting to be filled. Once it fills and begins, a new open game populates. Do we need this? Not likely. Could it get out of hand and suck? Maybe. But I am just wondering if:

    1. it would be possible to do such a thing, and

    2. it would help players find a game with the least barrier possible?

    Sure, some of us would 100% avoid these games, but they're not for everyone, they're for new players who join up or folks wanting a quick game.


    P.S. maybe I'm just proposing this b/c sometimes I want an easily accessible live game and don't want to create it . . . or maybe my addiction wants more opportunities to be filled quickly? I really don't know.

    Edited Sat 21st Jan 15:01 [history]

  2. #2 / 3
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
    Brigadier General
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    Nov 09

    I think this does make sense for newbs to help them get into wargear more easily. The auto-games could even sit at the top of the join games list, with an option to turn them off in your profile.

    But the wargear infrastructure might have some expectiations/dependencies that there is a player host for each game and that this host is playing in the game. Depending on how deep those assumptions go, it could be complicate or simple for Tom to implement.

  3. #3 / 3
    Prime Amidon37
    Rank Posn
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    Feb 10

    I've had thoughts like this before. I could see some sort of system where open games are generated in general. Just to make things go a little quicker/easier.

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