186 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 2
    Standard Member agwyvern
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    Feb 17

    In Settings, we can enable Instant Notification sounds when it's "my turn" in a regular speed game or real-time game.

    I *think* the notification chimes if I create a game and am waiting on the sign-in page for another person to join, and then the game starts and I am not first. i.e. even though I'm on that page ('currently' showing no other players in the game), if the game starts I will get a notification when it's my turn (as long as I am >= #2).

    If I create a game and then the game starts, and I am the *first* player, I don't get a notification sound.

    Is that the way it's designed (for some reason)? At a guess, I think it might be that 'my turn' alerts only are sounded when the game switches from one player's turn to another player's turn. On a new game, there's no player change, so no alert.

    Tom, is it possible to tweak the notification for that case?

  2. #2 / 2
    Premium Member lx260
    Rank Posn
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    Sep 20

    In my experience audible alerts are somewhat erratic. If a game starts or it becomes my turn while I'm on another browser tab, I often don't get the alert the first time until I focus on the WG tab again, but then it will usually sound even if I'm on another tab. Sometimes when I've been on the site for a long period of time I won't get them at all, even by resetting and then setting the alert notifications in settings again. Then I have to close my browser and re-open it to get audible alerts working again.

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