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BlackDog BlackDog is offline now
Rank Lieutenant General Lieutenant General
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Player #2901
Joined WarGear 4th Apr 2010
Last Visit 15th Feb 2024 08:14
Country United States
Championship Points 434 (#5)
Global Ranking Score 2297 (#51)
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H Rating 77%
Average turn time 7 hours 58m
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BlackDog's Achievements

  • Marine (Play 1000 Public Games)
  • Competent (Win 500 Public Games)
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  • The Fog (Played a game on a Foggy Map)
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Dare to be one of us girl
Faced with the android's conundrum
I felt like I should just cry
But nothing happens every time I take one on the chin
Yeah, Himmler in your coat you don't know how long I've been
Watching the lantern dim, starved of oxygen
So give me your hand and let's jump out the window

BlackDog's Wall

Pages:   123   (3 in total)
20th Jan 2011 00:33
Message from Kjeld
Thanks for catching those continent errors on Another Brick in the Wall -- should be fixed now!
#16 of 56
11th Jan 2011 16:33
Message from AttilaTheHun
So what's become of your WWII European Theater board? Is it out of development yet?
#15 of 56
26th Nov 2010 15:12
Message from AttilaTheHun
Krock has made his European-theater AnA map active again. I would suggest you two work together to combine the best of both maps. He's got some good ideas around the special units (Research Items) that would benefit any AnA map.
#14 of 56
19th Nov 2010 00:39
Message from Mongrel
#13 of 56
9th Nov 2010 21:06
Message from AttilaTheHun
Hey BD you get my email for our game on ToS?
#12 of 56
9th Nov 2010 21:06
Message from AttilaTheHun
Hey BD you get my email for our game on ToS?
#11 of 56
8th Nov 2010 15:19
Message from Yertle
Congrats to you too! You were #1 for a while today! I'm definitely afraid, you win (and beat me!) way too much!
#10 of 56
6th Nov 2010 23:47
Message from AttilaTheHun
sweet, will be nice to have it on this site
#9 of 56
1st Sep 2010 14:39
Message from AttilaTheHun
Hey there BD just joined the site...found a good equivalent to the A&A map yet?
#8 of 56
20th Jul 2010 15:48
Message from RiskyBack
You know that was just a joke. I was actually drifting on a comment Vataro made in the forums about you always winning every Gauntlet game. Seriously, I've watched some of your games and you just have a special relationship with that map because you totally own it!
#7 of 56
25th Jun 2010 10:28
Message from RiskyBack
How is it that you are only #6 but I have yet to ever see you lose a game?
#6 of 56
27th May 2010 17:40
Message from RiskyBack
Your strategies on both boards are dependent on the dice being right and if not, you are kinda screwed. Yertle and I played a bunch of games on each with us employing your strategies and they didn't always work. In fact, I just had a game of Duck Hunt against Raptor where he took my Dog on his first turn and I got it back my turn and almost had him if it weren't for the dice not letting me win when I went 3 full ducks against 3 units in his dog. Anyways, the question is moot. They are as I want them to be.
#5 of 56
25th May 2010 11:53
Message from RiskyBack
I was gonna reply yesterday, but I forgot. No, I am not gonna make any changes because it'll just sway the balance the other way. That happens with 2 player maps without a simultaneous play feature (sometimes even with it). Plus, I don't mind players coming up with winning strategies for my maps. Each player has an equal chance of being able to use the strategy when the game starts because it is 50/50 as to which side you are on. That's fair, maybe not balanced, but I'm not Fox News. Dice, random positioning and tactics are things map makers can't control and when we try the map ends up being terrible. As you know, in Wargear: The Gathering, the map can turn into a stalemate if players aren't aggressive early, that is an example of what happens when I try to make a 2 player map as balanced as possible. The maps are fine and the fact that there is a winning strategy makes me happy. Those that know it will stop playing, a new generation of players will start playing them, somebody will figure it out and then the cycle will start again. I think that is a good thing.
#4 of 56
12th May 2010 18:23
Message from Edward Nygma
Take a look at this (http://www.wargear.net/games/view/9753) it may give you an idea or two.
#3 of 56
12th May 2010 12:33
Message from Edward Nygma
Thanks for the rating on Spy vs Spy any progress on GO?
#2 of 56
1st May 2010 15:45
Message from Edward Nygma
Sounds good to me. I'd be happy to help if you'd like.
#1 of 56
Pages:   123   (3 in total)