207 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.40 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


6 Feb 2023
Reviewed by jungkerl  Great
Good game
#5 of 5
25 Jan 2014
Reviewed by AJMadness  Superb
I really don't see this board playing well other than 1v1, it seems like it would be a nightmare. Unfortunately I may never know because it is hard to even fill a 1v1, too bad, I loved the tournament I played on it. Gets a 9 only because it is a hard board for someone new to play, steep learning curve.
#4 of 5
12 Jan 2014
Reviewed by ratsy  Great
This board gets a great for it's scale and achievement!

It plays just like a boss battle from the game, and a good one to boot. It's well balanced, and it's fun, for a good while.

It's Not standard risk at all, it's a pretty good simulation.

A nice strategic board while giving the nod to being lucky. But be prepared to learn the description, and to try to outmaneuver your opponent.

The downside, the battles are looong and there is only like three things you can do each turn. So be prepared to commit.
#3 of 5
2 Jan 2013
Reviewed by Dr Gobbel  Good
Like The FF-series on all consoles, but his Risk-version just don't fit in. But good that it's here.
#2 of 5
15 Jun 2012
Reviewed by KillDawg  Perfect
Final Fantasy.
#1 of 5