178 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.00 out of 10 based on 12 ratings

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2 Aug 2021
Reviewed by Johasi Vidad  Superb
Awesome board.
Great look, unique idea, wonderful execution!
Fun to play FFA or teams, but I definitely prefer teams as you must communicate to secure a swift victory.

#12 of 12
6 Aug 2018
Reviewed by Litotes  Good
Good quick and fun board. It can be frustrating to have your units disappear but that might happen to the others as well.
#11 of 12
31 Jan 2017
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Good
I'm a runner, and in general games that are about racing to the finish. However, neither this board nor Dungeon Quest have been among my favorites, I guess because it seems like luck plays a big role in your ability to get to your goal first. Nice layout, but not one of my favorites
#10 of 12
10 Feb 2014
Reviewed by Maximus Dirtbagicus  Average
Game is good except it is too easy to get bumped off in the caverns. having 9 and taken out by 1 unit with 100% chance of victory is not realistic except in the case on nukes.
#9 of 12
22 Sep 2013
Reviewed by Sff75  Good
Had to play more to give much !
#8 of 12
21 Sep 2013
Reviewed by Chinnie  Great
Fun map
#7 of 12
23 Jul 2013
Reviewed by Serpentis-Lucis  Great
Unique, good looking board.
#6 of 12
8 Mar 2012
Reviewed by Slander  Perfect
VERY cool board. Super unique in its game play. At first I was totally confused and hated it, but only because I didn't understand it. Once I figured it out, it's now one of my favorite boards.
#5 of 12
2 Dec 2011
Reviewed by Jigler  Superb
very neat design. I like the to play with teams to include more strategy when you can work together. Though there is little interaction between players, this board is a blast!
#4 of 12
21 Nov 2011
Reviewed by BorisTheFrugal  Superb
I think the board is perfect. Great gameplay, and accidentally finding an opponent in the mines makes for difficult decisions (do I waste my attacks to eliminate what might be his only rescue team, or do I stretch my attacks further so I can get deeper into the mines). Love this board, though I really liked the slower pace that came from not having return to attack after fortify on: it created more strategy.
#3 of 12
22 Oct 2011
Reviewed by M57  Good
Once again Ed has used the factory designer feature to create an innovative game-play setting. There are a number of strategies/tricks that the first time player needs to figure out to become competitive, but ultimately, because you never know where your opponents are, you are really playing for/against yourself. It's all well designed and very playable, but the board just has too much fog for my tastes.
#2 of 12
18 Oct 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Superb
An excellent use of some finer details of WarGear. You're nearly blind to what's happening around you the entire game which is what makes this board so much fun for me.
#1 of 12