190 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
  • Status: Dev
  • Version: 0.1
  • Designer: Kjeld
  • Rating: Unrated
  • Rating Score:
  • Difficulty: n/a
  • Created Date: 10th Jun 2012
  • Release Date: n/a
  • Games Played: 7
  • #1:
  • #2:
  • #3:

Design Information
Territories 141
Continents 184
Advanced Features Border Modifiers
Board Settings
Gameplay Turn Based
Available Players
2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9
10 11 12 13
14 15 16
Card Sets Worth 5,6,7,8,9,10,11
Territory Selection Simultaneous
Unit Placement Automatic
Starting Setup Scenario based
Capital Cities Off
Teamplay Enabled
Fog Setting Medium
Fog Override Enabled
Open Games 0
Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
1 Ents Default Default
2 Noldor Default Default
3 Uruk-hai Default Default
4 Haradrim Default Default
5 Dunedain Default Default
6 Nazgul Default Default
7 Orcs Default Default
8 Easterlings Default Default
9 Men of Gondor Default Default
10 Rohirrim Default Default
11 Dwarves 0 Default
12 Hobbits 0 Default
13 Sindar 0 Default
14 Court of Ardor 0 Default
15 Spawn of Glaurung 0 Default
16 Spawn of Ungoliant 0 Default

Board Description

The World of Middle Earth

From the stories of J.R.R. Tolkein

Adapted by Kjeld

Welcome to the extended world of Middle Earth. The familiar map from Tolkein's famous Lord of the Rings has been expanded to the North, South, and East, allowing players for the first time to explore the feral lands beyond the Sea of Rhun, the sultry jungles of lost Ardor past the unforgiving Mirror of Fire and the legendary Yellow Mountains, and the frozen tracts of icy wilderness stretching north from the withered heath toward the ruins of Thangorodrim, where it is whispered that balrogs lay in wait for one strong enough to master their evil flame. Striking forth from your strongholds, battle across these lands, taking advantage of unique terrain bonuses as you seek to rally the forces of good or evil to your banner, uniting the lands of Middle Earth under a single noble banner... or an iron crown.


All non-ocean, non-mountain, non-desert terrains grant a hordes bonus of +1. It is not necessary to own adjacent mountain, desert or ocean territories to receive this bonus.


Each territory has a terrain type, designate in [_] at the end of the territory name, and also denoted in graphics with circular symbols. This key describes each terrain type's unique bonuses and limitations. Note, barren indicates that placement is disabled on this territory.

  • [M] - Mountain. Barren. Defends with +3, attacks with -1. -1 Factory bonus on self per turn. Near-impenetrable heights make military crossings of the many mountain ranges of Middle Earth an onerous task, frought with dangers and supply chain difficulties.
  • [W] - Wilderness. Defends with +1. The majority of the lands of Middle Earth have been largely abandoned to Yavanna's creatures since the breaking of the world during the First Age. Barbarian races eke out a modest subsistence amongst the smattering of outposts remaining.
  • [WW] - Deep Wilderness. Barren. Defends with +2, attacks with -1. The remotest reaches of Middle Earth are frequented by such fell beasts and monsters as don't feature even in the most obscure tales of Kuduk lore. Such areas are thinly populated by any race, and difficult to traverse.
  • [J] - Jungle. Defends with +2. -1 Factory bonus on self per turn. To the far south lie the steamy jungles of Ardor. Like to wilderness in their impenetrability, though settlements are nigh unknown. Yavanna is strong in these realms, and her creatures are always awaiting the next hunt.
  • [O] - Ocean. Barren. Defends with -1, attacks with +1. -1 Factory bonus on self per turn. The domain of Ulmo, the ocean is always a fickle master. It offers swift passage, but the sea, shaped by the hand of Osse, takes its toll.
  • [OO] - Deep Ocean. Barren. Defends with -1, attacks with +1. -2 Factory bonus on self per turn. Out past the coastal shores lie the deep and horizonless waters of Belegaer, the sundering sea, hostile to all the races of Middle Earth even in the best of times.
  • [D] - Desert. Defends with -1. Attacks with -1. -1 Factory bonus on self per turn. Not even the fearsome Uruk-hai can long withstand the fierce heat and burning sands of the southern deserts.
  • [DD] - Deep Desert. Barren. Defends with -1. Attacks with -1. -2 Factory bonus on self per turn. Deadly to both the forces of light and shadow, the deep deserts of the Dune Sea and the Mirror of Fire stretch on past seeing with only mirages and the blistering gaze of Arien to keep an unfortunate warrior company.
  • [FD] - Free Domain. +2 Factory bonus on self per turn. Defends with +2. A bastion of light in dark times, such lands as Anorien provide a sturdy bulwark against the coming tide and many stout hearts to man the walls. However, they don't welcome newcomers easily.
  • [BL] - Borderland. +1 Factory bonus on self per turn. Defends with +1. The borders of the free peoples stretch long and far, held together by only the barest of threads, but even in far places can be found brave warriors and outposts willing to stand strong against the looming shadow.
  • [SL] - Shadowland. +1 Factory bonus on self per turn. Attacks with +1. Sauron's reach extends insidiously across the face of Middle Earth, and his agents strike with intrigue and espionage as often as brute force. Many lairs sworn fealty to the dark lord lie scattered across the land, ready to spew forth their bloodthirsty spawn for the promise of plunder and destruction.
  • [DE] - Dark Enclave. +2 Factory bonus on self per turn. Attacks with +2. The fallen Maiar's dark influence has seeped deep into evil pits of shadow in several unfortunate lands. The stain of the dark lord's machinations lies heavy in such places, and at his command untold hordes of orcs, trolls and darker things will erupt from the bowels of the tortured earth.

    Default attack dice are set to 7 v 7. Each player only has 30 attacks and 5 fortifies to any connected allotted per turn. Medium fog is the default.


    Many thanks to the fan base for Middle Earth the Collectible Card Game (MECCG) for developing the base map and the terrains. Check out their website to learn more: http://www.councilofelrond.org/. Also, many thanks to Ozyman for developing the Advanced Board Editor! Check it out: http://prestopnik.com/wargear/MapEditor/

    Note: The fantasy world of Middle Earth is under Copyright Protection by its respective owners (Tolkein Estate), and the MECCG game is under Copyright Protection by Iron Crown Enterprises or its representatives (I.C.E.). All credit for related theme, setting, and character go to these individuals. This board is strictly released only for fair use on WarGear.com. Please support the official owners.

    Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeTurn Based
    Return to unit placement from attackOff
    Return to attack after fortifyOn
    Number of attacks allowed30
    Number of fortifies allowed5
    Multiple attacksOn
    Allow fortificationConnected
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOff
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralNever
    Fog typeMedium
    Allow override of fog settingYes
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledYes
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOn
    Team Factory ProductionOn


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowed8
    Card values5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOn
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:2

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories owned5
    Minimum bonus units per turn5
    Elimination bonus20
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOn
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Number of sides on Attacker's Dice7
    Number of sides on Defender's Dice7

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOff
    Lock seat orderOff
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionNone
    Number of units per Territory4
    Territory selectionSimultaneous
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countLow
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOff
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsNone