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0 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.86 out of 10 based on 21 ratings

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6 Oct 2021
Reviewed by Hartford  Perfect
My favorite dueling map on the site. Very well thought out. Easy to pick-up, lots of thought and strategy needed to play well. As with most risk boards, games against evenly match opponents typically are decided by the dice, and whether critical 8v8 attacks go through. Gives everyone a chance to win, however, better strategy play typically prevails. No two games are the same. Couldn't ask for a better board!
#21 of 21
28 Sep 2017
Reviewed by sirdakka  Perfect
A really great map, wonderfully compelling strategic options and one of my favorite duelling boards for sure
#20 of 21
25 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Great
I picked this one up quickly (surprisingly!) The instructions were well laid out.
#19 of 21
12 Jun 2016
Reviewed by ratsy  Superb
"Get your units off the Road" - M57

Good advice from the Board Maker. This map is exceptional.

The game is to connect your territories from the top of the board to the bottom. There are roads, and not roads. You can place on the roads, but they come with a weak defense.

The concept is simple, the map is lovely to look at, the theme is strong and the learning curve is mild. There are some things to learn though, and experience means alot in the games. This one is not purely strategic, as the dice will make or break some attacks, but good tactical decisions can really minimize the impact of a couple of bad rolls.

It's a superb board.
#18 of 21
22 Mar 2016
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Good
Real good board just not my cup of tea. Attacking from the hills is key and not from the roads.
#17 of 21
5 Dec 2015
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Perfect
This is one of the top dueling boards on this site. There are many ways to form your line, but the play is fairly straightforward. Seek to use the advantage of the hills as much as possible, as well as controlling the choak-points that are critical for offensive and defensive purposes. The center is important as well, but so is the line that you form. And you can be within one step of victory, and still lose the game (as I did once), so don't let your guard down at the end. Also, don't make aggressive negative dice and/or 8 army vs 8 army attacks at the beginning, as that can tip the balance towards your opponent, only do that if you need to break through the opponent in a life or death situation.

Great design and gameplay!
#16 of 21
10 Aug 2015
Reviewed by Thingol  Superb
Very good "thinker's" duel map. One has to constantly weigh attack and defense options and deal with the shifting priorities. Well-designed.
#15 of 21
4 Aug 2015
Reviewed by molaar  Great
Man, playing berickf on this board sure was aggravating! ;) I feel like I was one of the "near same skill level players" he's referring to below. When both players are ultra-conscious of the other's precise distance to victory and know the board, I felt like a total stalemate can be reached. I actually felt fatigued at one point and made a conscious decision to stop thinking as much, stop paying as close attention and making faster more reckless moves. I lost, naturally, because it grated on my patience. But I'm not sure if that qualifies as bad design. It is a great design for war that makes supply chain and terrain greatly exaggerated strategic factors to consider. And on the other hand, when I played several players who weren't quite as careful, it felt really cathartic to seize that victory...
#14 of 21
12 Jul 2015
Reviewed by berickf  Average
In no field of battle would armies try to line them self up in a long supply chain so it doesn't replicate much of anything that would have occurred in Waterloo. I don't feel like I have been placed on the field of battle at that time as I think should be the attempt when making a battlefield dueling board. I don't know how to fix this aspect... Maybe if it was controlling supply to the center of the board, or maybe if each side had a headquarters territory that had to be supplied to and if it was held for x number of turns by their opponent, they would be eliminated... Something like that... But, as it is, it lacks a feel for the reality of what this battle was like. I would have to research the actual battle more to really know how to suggest a 'feel like the real thing' win mechanism.

Then, when two near same skill level players are up against each other, the dice have the opportunity to be far too fatalistic and deterministic. I have been thinking about this and believe the best solution would be to increase the territory caps. In doing so the number of rolls in each battle would be increased so as to allow results closer to the statistical expectations. It would also force more choices with regard to where to reinforce one's troops to create boundaries, and those boundaries would likely not often reach the territory max. In so doing on each player's offensive turns they would have the ability to exploit opportunities rather then sometimes being forced to flip coins. As it is now, with coin flips and short fatalistic stacks it seems like one is just more in for a ride rather then actually driving the car.

Even though historically inaccurate, I do like the off-road versus on-road paradigm. I do not believe a time piece battlefield board is trying to recreate history, but, more importantly should try to create a feeling of it. In this case I think the win mechanism is detracting from the feel of it more-so then the terrain. As-of-such I think that the off-road/on-road is something that is visually easy to discern and it creates a great easy-to-understand terrain effect. It is an interesting system applied to the board that one can try to manipulate to their advantage, just that the current territory maxes frequently makes the paradigm unwieldy and too restrictive. It's the troop limits that are forcing the dice to become way to fatalistic and restricting strategic choices. With low troop counts then every attack, which should statistically succeed but ultimately fails, is quite damning on a board with limited attacks per turn and where every loss goes 4% towards your opponents goals and even more so when it stops additional attacks afterwards that could lead to a total 24% gain by one's opponent (or retention, if you prefer) on any given turn. Once this happens two or three times, especially early on, the game can be lost before it has even started. If the territory maxes were greater then skilled players should be able to manage their attacks to maximize towards a no-failed-attacks strategy of play so that even if they are having bad dice they should hopefully still at least be able to reduce the possibility and number of actual failed attacks.

I understand why return to attack cannot be on. Because if it were then one need only reach the other side of the board without making a supply line, fortify, return to attack, win. That said, this board would be way more strategically variable if return to attack was on. If the win mechanism could be tweaked to allow for it while simultaneously creating a greater feel as if this battle was actually Waterloo, then that would be excellent!

I will keep at it, but fundamentally the board is flawed and cannot be mastered to a level where the dice will not still have their heyday and throw a game here or there, which is quite unfortunate.
#13 of 21
29 Aug 2014
Reviewed by smoke  Superb
One of my two favorite dueling maps (along with Micro Mission). But you have to pay attention -- it's good to be reasonably sober, and turns take a while to do. You'll get punished for a sloppy round. Some good advice in the reviews below.
#12 of 21
16 Nov 2013
Reviewed by Korrun  Perfect
My favorite 2-player map and one of my favorite maps in general. Very tactical.

Careful use of the road vs off-road territories is critical. Use the dice mods to your advantage. Try to control the center early on, but don't get too hung up on it.
#11 of 21
11 Nov 2013
Reviewed by Soldatenteam of Warfish  Perfect
Great tactical game, you have to use clever and ingenious tactics instead of going head-on into the enemy, like looping around the side or going into a big off-road section. Great fun.
#10 of 21
14 Aug 2013
Reviewed by Luieuil  Superb
A 2-player strategie game. Both players start at different places. The French start the game and have an early lead in tempo. The Brits must try to avoid an early win by making a strategical blokkade. If they manage to do this the Brits can take advantage of their surplus in units.

Planning is important, as well to master the concept of roads and hills. The game is fairly balanced out with neither the French nor the Brits having a big advangtage.

#9 of 21
14 Aug 2013
Reviewed by Sff75  Superb
very pleasant board, but dont forget to read instructions as you can get armies by connecting top or bottom.
I prefer version with Reinforcements than Standard version because it means some quick action from red
#8 of 21
13 Aug 2013
Reviewed by beserker42  Perfect
This game is perfect in the respect that it can't be won by luck. While luck as always is certainly a factor its overwhelmed entirely by the deep level of strategy and planning which goes into this game. Simply put a few lucky rolls won't win this game for you.

If you're playing anybody good and you want to win, it requires turns of advanced planning and strategic placement. Doing all that with only 6 attacks and 2 fortifies makes move conservation the utmost priority.

The complexity of this game combined with its deceptively simple objective makes it a pleasure to play.

A couple simple simple hints some of which have already been mentioned I'm sure: Never forget to make certain your opponent is at least 7 hexes away from completing their line at the end of your turn. If you're confused as to whether or not a territory is a road simply go to the default map and look if the territory in question is a 0 or a 1. 0's are roads 1's are hills. It is of the utmost importance to try to grab hills between crossroads as early as possible. Finally remember your first priority must be considering what your oppenent will do on his next turn not what you want to do on your next turn.

I better stop giving away my strategies here but just let me end by saying that this board is far and away the best dueling board I've ever found. (With the cavet that if you are playing somebody who is of your same approximate skill level and you both know what you're doing this could end up being a very long game.)
#7 of 21
8 Aug 2013
Reviewed by Simon the pieman  Superb
I like this board, the tactics you need are quite extraordinary, well thought out board, i would like the roads non-roads to be clearer, but then again, its part of the game, great board, got your message M57, im still a free memebr and couldnt reply, i will check them out
#6 of 21
27 Jun 2013
Reviewed by Kjeld  Superb
Battle of Waterloo presents a deceptively simple game-mechanic -- build a line from north to south -- that masks a deeper complexity. While it might be tempting to simply rush to complete as long a line as possible, this strategy will not work against experienced (or perceptive) opponents. I've provided a few tips from my experiences below.

First, don't forget that all you need to do is get within 6 hexes of a complete line, and so does your opponent. This is a key point to the board, so plan ahead and defend/position accordingly. Unique terrain bonuses mean that you have to carefully consider where your supply line should best be situated: roads are quick and easy and allow placement, but the hills have significant offensive and defensive dice modifiers. Let your opponent gain control of key off-road locations at your peril. Also remember to make use of the reinforcement option from the off-map territories. You need 17 to win, but no more than that; use the extras to shore up defense along your line or to prepare for a major push into enemy territory. Lastly, it will help if you can gather some of your dispersed troops together early -- a few attacks may not add to your supply line, but they might bring a much needed 5-stack into the fray. Don't use them all up, though, or you won't make progress on your line; you also want to leave some on defense in key non-road positions to disrupt you opponent.
#5 of 21
2 Jun 2013
Reviewed by BlackDog  Great
Battle of Waterloo sets the new standard for 1v1 strategy maps. The rules are simple, and someone new to the map can jump in and quickly pick up the basics. However, a great depth of strategy lies behind these very simple mechanics. While the localized strategy of controlling non-road spaces and not leaving large stacks on roads will quickly become obvious to the journeyman Waterloo player, it is much less clear how to apply this concept to the larger problem of creating a supply line across the board.

I agree that there are several places where non-roads appear to be roads, cleaning this up, or giving some other visual indicator of what is a road would improve the experience.
#4 of 21
14 May 2013
Reviewed by renjason  Superb
Very well though out board. Creative win senario!
Could use cleared markings on road vs not-road
#3 of 21
16 Apr 2013
Reviewed by Andernut  Superb
Lots of fun. Simple board, simple goal, simple borders (Just two types, roads and non-roads). The roads are great, adding complexity without being confusing. They are additionally fun because they sometimes allow a highway past your opponent's front lines as they are trickier to defend requiring that you hold the ground flanking the road to avoid defending at a disadvantage.

One point of confusion is where some rivers/towns look like they might be roads when not being looked at carefully so pay attention to the borders! It's easier to read in the native player.

I love me a good dueling map and this is a good dueling map.
#2 of 21
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