213 Open Daily games
5 Open Realtime games

Rating: 8.86 out of 10 based on 7 ratings

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20 May 2020
Reviewed by sulli  Perfect
I really like this board after you get used to it. In my opinion the smaller version is actually better, because it isn't a matter of just keeping the throne for a turn and you win. You get people taking the middle only to get bumped off king-of-the-hill style. A lot of strategic thinking involved that is different than more standard boards on wargear.

Update after a while on the board - the small map is for sure better than the large. it takes less time, but most importantly there are a lot of "game theory" strategies that come into play. Along the lines of forcing the other two guys to fight, or giving up a spot in the middle to gang up on the guy with the throne. As we've played this more I think it has gotten better, not worse.
#7 of 7
26 Sep 2018
Reviewed by Litotes  Superb
Can lead to very complicated strategic play. Very frustrating at times :) But excellently done. Definitely worth a try if you haven't done so already.
#6 of 7
14 Sep 2018
Reviewed by Pratik  Average
The board is quite good, and can make for some interesting play. But the popular starting selection scenario is extremely unbalanced. In almost every game, you have one player doomed at the start of the board.
#5 of 7
17 Jan 2017
Reviewed by Korrun  Perfect
Love both large scenarios on this board. Not such a fan of the small one. Great for team games as well as FFA. Tricky strategic choices to make on when to go to the center, vs controlling the outside. Pay attention to the rules. Capitals, negative factories, fortify borders, limited attacks, etc. Lots of fun.
#4 of 7
3 May 2015
Reviewed by BTdubs  Perfect
Excellent board for disciplined, creative play.

Know about capitals, be able to think two and three moves ahead, and prepare to count to six repeatedly. Oh, and read the notices on the board. The ones that tell you how placement, capitals, and bonuses work? Turns out that is important -- yet people get through whole games with obvious ignorance of the stuff written RIGHT THERE, and freak out when 600+ troops show up out of nowhere...

Neutrals serve well to slow down an early leader, game dynamics are challenging and apt for the scenario. Team games are hugely different from melees, but no less interesting.

Strategic thinking trumps luck in this one -- but by such a thin margin that even near-perfect players can lose to someone good-but-lucky.

Multiple strategies are viable, comebacks happen, and 3-way stalemates are virtually impossible.

Great board.
#3 of 7
8 Dec 2014
Reviewed by Thingol  Superb
Great board for both single player FFA and team play. The symmetry allows for some interesting strategies.
#2 of 7
9 Jul 2013
Reviewed by Serpentis-Lucis  Great
Very nice graphics. The small number of games I've played on this board have been fairly fun, even though I lost, however the board seems to be lacking in strategy. The smaller one is very poor when it comes to strategy, with the larger one only slightly better.
#1 of 7