181 Open Daily games
0 Open Realtime games

Rating: 9.30 out of 10 based on 60 ratings

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Pages:   123   (3 in total)
21 Apr 2023
Reviewed by SpyYoshiRv  Perfect
Beautifully made map that does not require any straight aggressiveness in order to dominate; strategy is the name of the game with this board. Many moves can lead you to victory, which is pretty simple to formulate and execute.

Graphics-wise its also beautiful, simplistic and self explanatory, it can easily be one of the best boards to help explaining what WarGear is meant to be in a wider scale.

This board is all about going for it at the right time, with the right luck & numbers needed.
#60 of 60
4 Dec 2022
Reviewed by jungkerl  Superb
good board
#59 of 60
30 Sep 2022
Reviewed by erastus25  Perfect
Inspired design and gameplay. One of the best boards on the site. Thanks, M57, for making this for us all to enjoy.
#58 of 60
16 Jul 2022
Reviewed by Ealer  Perfect
Thought I was doing really well but then suddenly eliminated!

Love the Board though.
#57 of 60
22 Oct 2021
Reviewed by Guderian65  Great
it's a very interesting board, hard to play for new ones
#56 of 60
11 Sep 2021
Reviewed by Rex-Merdinus  Perfect
Hands down, this is my favorite board so far!
#55 of 60
5 May 2021
Reviewed by Hozza  Great
Only played a couple of games, but it's an interesting board so far and I do enjoy playing.
#54 of 60
21 Jan 2021
Reviewed by Fib  Superb
By any other name, this board would be just as sweet. It's a board with great replay value with so many different ways to approach it.
#53 of 60
26 Sep 2020
Reviewed by Johasi Vidad  Superb
A little confusing at first, but gets better with each game played.
Though it is a little weird when you think you're doing great and then suddenly the games over and you lost.
#52 of 60
4 Apr 2020
Reviewed by BlueFinKilla  Great
Board that requires a little homework. Wouldn't recommend just jumping in and giving it a go. Wish I had the time to study it a little more, would play more games on it.
#51 of 60
23 Jan 2020
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Superb
Pretty unique and strategic board, I'm surprised it doesn't get more play than it does. It's not one of my favorites at this time, but I hope to get to play some more of it, ideally in total fog
#50 of 60
27 May 2019
Reviewed by totti  Superb
this was rly good
#49 of 60
2 Jun 2018
Reviewed by Shoelace  Great
Really interesting mechanics. As someone who tends to enjoy heavier fog settings I don't think this board lends itself as well to that, but that is less a criticism and more an observation. Interesting map and unlike other maps isn't always about expanding a contiguous territory.
#48 of 60
22 Apr 2018
Reviewed by Oldtimer  Superb
This board makes for relatively short but interesting and unpredictable games. I like it a lot.
#47 of 60
29 Mar 2018
Reviewed by Anton3237  Perfect
Great fun. The banners add new strategies rarely seen before
#46 of 60
8 Jan 2018
Reviewed by Litotes  Perfect
This board is great fun! I've tried it with all fog settings and recommend light fog but it will be interesting regardless. Fast paced, no danger of a protracted stalemate, but lots of strategic decisions to take.
#45 of 60
7 Jan 2018
Reviewed by cfc  Superb
It's a lot of fun playing this board, and it adds a special "risk twist" with the attack on the crown - it has to happen at the right moment, always a thrill!
#44 of 60
31 Oct 2017
Reviewed by sirdakka  Perfect
Very much enjoying this board, predominantly because I feel I have a lot to learn to master it :D

EDIT: upgraded to perfect, as I've played it more I've become more appreciative of the beauty of this board and having increasingly more fun on it!
#43 of 60
25 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Superb
This took a while, but I learned to love this board! You need a strategy - and some initial luck.
#42 of 60
17 Oct 2016
Reviewed by ecko  Superb
Very original and fun board. The only flaw is that the map is not tricky enough to play as it is one big block of territories all nearing each other. That's why I think for those who liked this board Renaissance Wars is the perfect sequel :)
#41 of 60
Pages:   123   (3 in total)