188 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game
  • Status: Dev
  • Version: 0.1
  • Designer: Kjeld
  • Rating: Unrated
  • Rating Score:
  • Difficulty: n/a
  • Created Date: 27th Sep 2017
  • Release Date: n/a
  • Games Played: 0
  • #1:
  • #2:
  • #3:

Design Information
Territories 86
Continents 61
Advanced Features View Only Borders
One-way Borders
Border Modifiers
Board Settings
Available Players
Card Sets Worth 5,5,5,5,5,5,5
Territory Selection Automatic
Unit Placement Automatic
Starting Setup Scenario based
Capital Cities Off
Teamplay Enabled
Fog Setting Light
Fog Override Enabled
Open Games 0
Seat Color Team Starting Cards Starting Bonus Win Condition
1 Benden Northern Alliance ABW 5 Default
2 Southern Southern Alliance CCC 5 Default
3 Fort Northern Alliance AAA 5 Default

Board Description


After the Ninth Pass


Welcome back to Pern. Many turns have passed since the conclusion of the last and final Pass of the Red Star, and the world has changed.

Dragons and their riders have drastically decreased in number and prestige. The absence of Thread, the development of the southern continent and the incorporation of the Aivas' technology has greatly altered the balance and structure of Pern's culture. No longer united in a single purpose, the planet has grown unstable.

The descendants of Toric of Southern Hold and Fax of the High Reaches have lost none of their ancestors' lust for power. Together, they have gathered their followers and formed a powerful alliance, threatening to overrun the rest of Pern.

In desperation, two separate alliances have been formed to resist the onslaught. The first has been brought together by Benden in defense of the ancient ideals and in the hopes for peace. The second is united around Fort Hold by those Lords who wish to defend their own.

However, much of the northern continent now lies nearly abandoned, and the peoples of Nerat and Ista have refused to take sides, hoping to avoid the devastation by remaining neutral. Indeed, few allies remain to the North, as the allegiance of Bitra Hold has been bought by the South, creating a threat within the very heart of their strongholds.

With the Dragonriders now a shadow of their former selves, they no longer hold the power and influence to unilaterally prevent this conflict. Who then shall prevail and rule the fate of Pern?


  • Bonuses go to reserves, and are listed per territory. Each weyr grants +3 bonus.
  • Each territory has maximum unit count equal to 10 + 5 x bonus (for example, a territory of bonus 2 would have a unit max of 10 + 5 x 2 = 20). Weyrs have 20 maximum units. Water territories can hold unlimited units, but grant no bonus.
  • Placement is enabled on all territories except water.
  • Water territories can only attack mainland holds with an anchor symbol. Exception is Drake Lake, which can attack all bordering holds.
  • Each weyr can attack each other weyr at default dice.
  • Dice:
  • Default - attacker kills 60%, defender kills 75%
  • Water to land - attacker kills 50%, defender kills 75%
  • Across the Ring Sea (wrap-around) - attacker kills 30%, defender kills 75%
  • Weyr to hold - attacker kills 65%, defender kills 85%
  • Hold to weyr - attacker kills 55%, defender kills 85%
  • Across bridge - attacker kills 50%, defender kills 75%
  • Fatigue: 5% per 10 orders.
  • Cards: 5,5,5,5,...
  • Gameplay Settings

    Gameplay TypeSimulGear
    Allow reinforcement moves before attack moves5
    Allow reinforced units to attack in the same roundOff
    Allow order overloadingOn
    Allow unit pumpingOn
    Maximum number of orders allowed per turnUnlimited
    Turn OrderSeat order
    Allow fortificationBordered
    Allow abandonment of territoriesOn
    Abandoned territories revert to neutralNever
    Fog typeLight
    Allow override of fog settingYes
    Game historyShow

    Team Settings

    Teamplay EnabledTeamplay Only
    Team VisionOn
    Team Unit PlacementOff
    Team Unit TransferOn
    Team Factory ProductionOff


    Card CaptureOn
    Maximum number of cards allowedUnlimited
    Card values5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5
    Must capture non-empty territory to earn cardOff
    Card deckA:18 B:18 C:18 W:2

    Bonuses, Limits and Dice

    Grant 1 unit per x territories ownedDisabled
    Minimum bonus units per turn0
    Elimination bonus0
    Capturing of reserves on eliminationOn
    Maximum reserve unitsUnlimited
    Maximum units per territoryUnlimited
    Auto Assign Factories
    Chance of an attacker killing a defender60
    Chance of a defender killing an attacker75
    Fatigue: Chance of Attack success drops by5% per 10 turns

    Initial Setup

    Initial setupSetup based
    Lock seat colorsOn
    Lock seat orderOn
    Lock starting bonus to:Seat
    Allow seat selectionSeats
    Number of units per Territory3
    Territory selectionAutomatic
    Unit placementAutomatic
    Neutral countLow
    Neutral Factories
    Use team names defined in ColorsOn
    Allow players to choose seats / teamsSeats