182 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 9.23 out of 10 based on 22 ratings

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Pages:   12   (2 in total)
19 Jun 2019
Reviewed by Thingol  Superb
Excellent dualing map and good fun - definitely a thinker's map. Against the best players, it's easy to make 1 simple mistake and it'll cost you the game.
#22 of 22
28 Dec 2017
Reviewed by momzilla  Perfect
I agree with Litotes, Chele, et al. The one-sided dice game on the 11 x 11 board is my favorite. So far, I haven't learned a good strategy on the smaller board or other variations, and prefer leaving luck out of it, but the 8-sided dice game can be fun for a change. Overall, I love this game. Thanks M57!

I also like the design of the board, especially 11x11 one-sided dice. Great use of Asian art!
#21 of 22
16 Nov 2017
Reviewed by Litotes  Perfect
Great board, nice opportunity for a pure strategy game (if you choose a 1-sided dice scenario). Also with dice scenarios thrown in for those who like to add a touch of the unpredictable. I prefer the first but it's nice to have both available.
#20 of 22
29 Apr 2017
Reviewed by sirdakka  Good
Good fun
#19 of 22
31 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Superb
Nice break from other types of map games. Seems like a whole different site.
#18 of 22
26 Oct 2015
Reviewed by Chele Nica  Perfect
I'm a slow learner, and this board took me several games to finally understand how to develop a strategy. Now that I get the board, I'm truly enjoying playing it and learning how to improve my game on it
#17 of 22
23 Jan 2015
Reviewed by YuriZ  Perfect
Love it! This board challenges me to become good at it. It is really simple but has alot of depth at the same time. Even the top players haven't fully mastered every aspect of this board i think...
#16 of 22
20 Jan 2015
Reviewed by Hugh  Perfect
Simple rules, difficult strategy, lots of skill levels. This board is attractive to anyone who likes to duel. It's easy to get hooked, because the rules are so simple. You'll start to see patterns very quickly: unlike Go or chess, you don't need to lose many games before you're playing at a decent level. For the expert, the learning process is never complete, which is why many of the site's top players keep playing it.

If you don't like the game coming down to one or two rolls of the dice, I recommend the diceless "pure skill" version. While the "pure skill" version is complex, it's nowhere near Chess, Go, Hex, or Octagons, at least not on the blank map. So if you're a purist and get bored, try the minesweeper and island scenarios.

The most popular scenarios right now are the "impure" 8-sided dice scenarios. These are attractive because you end up in positions you'd never see without the dice. There are more options for the creative player. The game can come down to one roll, which adds a level of excitement the diceless game can't offer.
#15 of 22
17 Jan 2015
Reviewed by Babbalouie  Superb
Excellent board even though I stink. Makes me want to get better.
#14 of 22
12 Jan 2015
Reviewed by Atkins  Superb
great board...more like chess than classic risk, but that should take nothing away from this board...this is more about strategy than luck, which has to be a good thing.
#13 of 22
30 Nov 2014
Reviewed by nekon  Superb
Really nice map

1sided dice :
Pure strategy game if you make a mistake you'r gonna lose :-) against

8sided dice :
In this version there is the good old LUCK-Faktor involved.
I just played 3 games against the same guy he crused me in 2 games with the dice.
The 3rd game he lost 2 rolls and i won with no resistenz

a very nice strategy map
#12 of 22
9 Oct 2014
Reviewed by Joehiem  Superb
Good stuff
#11 of 22
6 Sep 2014
Reviewed by Garistotle  Perfect
takes a few games to understand but once you figure out some strategies (and it seems there are many of them) this board is great fun. 10/10
#10 of 22
1 Jul 2014
Reviewed by JimmyTheBear  Perfect
Great board will some fun variations. I'm just learning this game, but I'm loving the discovery of all of the different possible strategies.
#9 of 22
13 Apr 2013
Reviewed by Kav  Perfect
Just played on 1 sided Dice yet... but WOW... amazing board. Great board to use strategies.
#8 of 22
27 Dec 2012
Reviewed by collider  Perfect
#7 of 22
8 Nov 2012
Reviewed by Andernut  Perfect
Edit - After some investigation I find I like both aspects 8-sided & 1-sided. The 1-sided dice version to take the element of chance out of it (but hey, we are playing "risk"), but if you are learning you'll want to be able to "roll the dice" when you mess up.

Don't sweat it if you lose some initial games, if you are playing against someone seasoned on the board, prepare to lose; BUT, this means strategy plays a higher than usual role in the map - something I love.

The concept behind this map blows my mind. I just wouldn't have expected this twist on a classic game... and it works! Try not to take the game too too seriously, have some fun. (Ever learn chess? How many games did you have to play before you cou d beat the person who taught you? It's tough!).

SUGGESTION : If you are playing a private game against someone who is less experienced than you, give them a handicap. End your turn and let them place a stone or two on the 4x4 or 3x3 intersections or in the middle of the board. Private games aren't ranked and if you are inherently better at the game try it out with a handicap!
#6 of 22
29 May 2012
Reviewed by Thing  Average
One mistake at beginning will cost you the game.
#5 of 22
14 May 2012
Reviewed by Phoenixx  Perfect
The tactics of Chess and Go are combined into an almost Perfect pure strategy board. Both the 8-sided and 1-sided boards lend additional strategy, which feels like two games in one. This has quickly become of my favorite boards.

9.5 (rounded up!)
#4 of 22
13 Feb 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Superb
such a sweet game! pure strategy. i really enjoy both versions. nice usage of low attacks and factory capture! Every move counts so take them carefully
#3 of 22
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