184 Open Daily games
0 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.00 out of 10 based on 5 ratings

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21 Jan 2021
Reviewed by Fib  Great
Time to get nerdy. Fun board to begin with, more fun as you learn its nuances.
#5 of 5
9 Jul 2020
Reviewed by Twobeard  Great
You will need a couple of games to figure out the quirks. That is part of what I like. The different layout and bonuses provide a variety of strategies to try and win. Enjoyed my first game so much that I played another game right away. This is one that I will continue to put into play.
#4 of 5
21 Oct 2019
Reviewed by Litotes  Great
I haven't played all scenarios but for those I have tried, it's an interesting board with the almost universal attacking advantage creating unusual dynamics.
#3 of 5
5 Feb 2016
Reviewed by Kylo Ren  Average
Cool concept and fun, but the board isn't very intuitive. Still, worth spending some time playing on this board.
#2 of 5
7 Dec 2014
Reviewed by M57  Fair
This is a board that I really want to like because I love the theme, but there are a number of things about it that make it a less than stellar offering.

Graphically it doesn't pop - there are no 'layers' in the design - leaving it two-dimensional. The textural elements that are on the board are of fair to poor quality. Unfortunately, the hand-drawn graphics from the book do not translate well to the web. In fact the map itself forces the designer to make the board larger to accommodate the tiny little territories bunched up on one side of the board. A much better way to turn this into a game would be to re-draw the map.

Mechanically, the board is a hodgepodge of features and tricks like hidden passageways - many of which are not apparent unless you read the description. Some are not described at all ..and documented as 'surprises,' giving the advantage to those who have either played the game enough to figure them out, or to those who know how to go into the board designer and find them. This may be good for some, but I find it unfair, which is ironic because I'm rating the board 'fair'
#1 of 5