180 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.73 out of 10 based on 101 ratings

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Pages:   123456   (6 in total)
15 Apr 2022
Reviewed by Guderian65  Fair
Funny game, notnhig else
#103 of 103
24 Mar 2022
Reviewed by Hozza  Good
Good little board, different take on the classic risk board.
#102 of 103
26 Sep 2020
Reviewed by Johasi Vidad  Great
A nice redo of the standard risk map into a cool looking and well laid out dueling board for 2-3 players
#101 of 103
26 Aug 2020
Reviewed by zdisabled_b0c46970  Average
Interesting board.
#100 of 103
9 Jan 2019
Reviewed by SpyYoshiRv  Average
#99 of 103
23 Nov 2018
Reviewed by jungkerl  Superb
Nice Board
#98 of 103
18 Sep 2017
Reviewed by Bronxbrawlers  Fair
It's ok.
#97 of 103
25 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Good
Great for a quick game. Initial placement can be a huge advantage.
#96 of 103
3 Feb 2017
Reviewed by Litotes  Average
Small board, and colour not to my liking. But OK if you want a two-man to end quick or if you want a new kind of challenge in a multi-player.
#95 of 103
2 Mar 2016
Reviewed by S13  Average
#94 of 103
4 Nov 2015
Reviewed by warqueer  Fair
#93 of 103
28 Sep 2015
Reviewed by MICK-A-NATOR  Great
simplified risk!!! but still very challenging & strategic :-)
#92 of 103
29 Aug 2015
Reviewed by subotai  Superb
Best played with 4-5 people. The simple layout means no one player has an early advantage. It requires careful strategy to determine where to build up units to deny another player from getting a card.
#91 of 103
6 Mar 2015
Reviewed by Brutal Steel  Average
Good, but only with 4-5 players
#90 of 103
2 Feb 2015
Reviewed by asm  Average
I actually totally disagree with the people saying initial distribution determines the outcome. Well, maybe it would for 2-player games, but that's always the case (with boards not designed for those games). I've played several three- four- and five-player games on this board and it's not an issue at all. At this scale, interestingly enough, the difference between 3 and 4 armies a turn just isn't that much. Everyone is very careful every turn so in fact the game becomes pretty challenging as you try to outmanuever your opponents. With so few territories and only 1 fortify, leaving a single army in the wrong spot can spell your doom.

However the limited number of colors available is simply unforgivable. There is just no reason to treat people that way. That alone frankly drops my review to 6 stars from probably 8.
#89 of 103
3 Sep 2014
Reviewed by Atkins  Great
I am a huge fan of the original risk board and this represents a very interesting variation...great fun!
#88 of 103
26 Aug 2014
Reviewed by The Dude  Great
I like the small size. I find myself thinking much more about what the other guy will do with this board.
#87 of 103
9 Aug 2014
Reviewed by chessdirector  Poor
I would agree with the others. Too simple. Initial placement determines the game due to the minimal number of territories.
#86 of 103
24 Jul 2014
Reviewed by Angela  Good
I liked it well enough. Requires patience. It's a slow one.
#85 of 103
23 May 2014
Reviewed by cube  Abysmal
cause I can
#84 of 103
Pages:   123456   (6 in total)