205 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.37 out of 10 based on 19 ratings

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4 Feb 2024
Reviewed by Motts  Average
It's a bit of a slog and having to capture 20x 0's every turn made it painful sometimes.

That said... I enjoyed the leap frog/flying aspect so much, it inspired me to add something similar into my first board. Thanks for the inspiration!
#20 of 20
25 Mar 2014
Reviewed by Pappy  Good
nice map. different game play
#19 of 20
10 May 2012
Reviewed by sgtbadass  Poor
annoying having to retake all of the territories on the board every turn. don't allow complete abandonment of the territories.
#18 of 20
22 Apr 2012
Reviewed by Lockjaw  Abysmal
played once. never again.
#17 of 20
17 Oct 2011
Reviewed by Ben Dover  Fair
i didnt like it because of the 0 units territories
#16 of 20
4 Sep 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Good
not my favorite of Yertle's but it's growing on me. I joined a tournament, and after about 22 rounds, I know how to play it now, but it can be very frustrating in the beginning.
#15 of 20
19 Aug 2011
Reviewed by TerribleThunderLizards  Superb
I really enjoyed this board. The flying plus abandon makes one have to rethink many of the standard strategies. There is a little tedium in each turn having to flying around and recapture all the abandoned territories, but it certainly made the outcome in the last few rounds less clear than in a standard game.
#14 of 20
17 Jun 2011
Reviewed by Mangler  Great
I like the look, and the dynamics of the board. small unit count start and hordes style can make you want to play aggressively, and allowing the jumping around of attack and fortification makes it interesting.

it can reach the point of back and forth running around with a single army to break up bonuses though, until cards get large enough to do some damage. a little set up tweaking can take care of this, but with small army fortification type boards like this, luck can be a much larger influence than strategy.

It's still up to you to decide if you're feeling lucky, though.
#13 of 20
20 May 2011
Reviewed by Skelement  Great
rather interesting
#12 of 20
29 Apr 2011
Reviewed by bleacherbum  Perfect
Very very fun! I just destroyed everyone on my first game on the board, but I have to say the ranged attack and the abandon territories added another strategic element to the game that made it SUPER fun. Just don't leave yourself with 0 units on too many places or you will find out how much it hurts to get eliminated by a single unit, despite you having multiple territories.

Great fun. Try it out!
#11 of 20
8 Mar 2011
Reviewed by Ozyman  Perfect
This is a fantastic board. Gameplay is solid and a lot of fun. The combination of fog, abandon, and ranged attack combines for a different than normal but very fun style of play which matches up very well with the theme - hoping around the board reminds me of flying.

I have only played this board with 3 players, so it is possible that problems will arise when a larger group plays this map.
#10 of 20
27 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Pink Fuzzy  Superb
I really enjoy playing this board, and I'm not one to usually enjoy the run-the-board over with abandoned territories style of game play. You have to move all over the place each turn. You can be defensive,but it takes a bit more thought. And an army of four can be huge. It's a fun game. I do think that the neutral armies of skull island could stand being dropped a bit, because I have yet to see anyone even try for that island, so it almost seems pointless to be there.
#9 of 20
18 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Oatworm  Great
This is one of those boards where, if I reviewed it when I first played it, I would've given it a 6 or a 7 and walked away. Having played a few games on it, though, it's really grown on me. The jumping attack paths, mostly irrelevant continents, and Hordes bonuses are a lot of fun once you figure out how to properly defend everything. Takes a few tries to nail that down, though.

The one complaint I'll have is that the ending can be remarkably tedious, though at least it's different about the kind of tedium it gets lost in. Instead of the usual 100-man standoff between two implacable opponents with four cards each, this one just leads to "I'm going to spend the next five minutes clearing out all of your 0's so you don't get any territory bonuses, but not have enough units to hold anything myself" contests. Frankly, they can get a little annoying after a while.

The good news is they happen rarely enough for the board to stay fairly playable, though. Plus, there's something to be said for having one territory when you start your turn, then running over the entire board with a four man army, hoping and praying your opponent only has two or three left themselves.
#8 of 20
11 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Lykos  Superb
Great twist. The flying concept of skipping built up borders at a new dimension to strategy.
#7 of 20
25 Jan 2011
Reviewed by Amidon37  Great
Love this board. The "flying" and abandonment together changes the standard strategies in an interesting way. Well drawn also.
One sour note for me is I think flying over water should carry the same penalty as flying over land - if the territories on both sides of the river can be attacked from each other, why have the river?
#6 of 20
15 Jan 2011
Reviewed by The Rope  Good
When I first started playing this board, I didn't really get it. Now that I have a few games under my belt, it has a surprising level of depth, and calls for a new set of strategies. It is great for 3 player games.
#5 of 20
7 Dec 2010
Reviewed by Skye  Average
Usually a huge fan of Yertle's boards, not a huge fan of this one. The combination of odd bonuses with territory abandon and overreaching boundaries must just be too much of a deviation from standard "Risk" for me to handle. Not sure exactly which part of the board's setup turns me off or if it's just the combination of all of the above.
6/10 for the artistic style and unique concept. And Yertle's awesome.
#4 of 20
7 Dec 2010
Reviewed by Jonathan  Superb
Tricky board but with good twist.
#3 of 20
3 Dec 2010
Reviewed by Mare Unrated
#2 of 20
25 Nov 2010
Reviewed by Jigler  Superb
nice board! very impressive. I've thought of doing a Neverland board based off the map in the movie, but i'm glad Yertle did it, because mine would never have been this good! Graphics are fantastic, Gameplay is even and fun. like the two away attack combined with abandon territory -- provides interesting mechanics. Awesome board!
#1 of 20