209 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 5.29 out of 10 based on 7 ratings

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29 Apr 2014
Reviewed by Kancercakes  Good
I think the extra troops on the borders helps with preventing early elimination. I haven't seen early elimination. I like the strategy of taking all the invaders, essentially winning the game since you can't take a space to get back on the board. Although I have to say for the other players it then gets really boring or they should surrender. I might think it a good idea to have a troop that can actually be taken from the base. Maybe between the saucers and invaders. Maybe add the helicopter image from Atari (http://images1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20110826214331/spaceinvaders/images/c/c5/Atariinvaders.jpg) so maybe have a neutral territory where these are and it can only be attacked by a specific base or all bases and actually taken.
#7 of 7
12 Dec 2012
Reviewed by Jigler  Poor
Really like the theme and design, but i got eliminated before i could really get a feel for what was going on.
#6 of 7
9 Apr 2012
Reviewed by starstoours  Poor
Wut the..?
#5 of 7
1 Jul 2010
Reviewed by Seige07  Fair
I have yet to try the quick elimination strategy. All the games I've won have been by taking a UFO on the first turn and slowly grinding out a unit advantage. Love the idea but think it really needs something to make it less grindy.
#4 of 7
20 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Alpha  Fair
I am going to agree with Norseman and Yertle. I think the board has the potential to be great and I love the graphics, but after the first game I played I realized the UFO's and aliens were pretty useless and that taking advantage of the fortify and return to attack was all that mattered.
#3 of 7
14 Jun 2010
Reviewed by Yertle  Average
Fun and interesting, but I do think Norseman is on to something with the quick eliminations being the way to go. Of course it may not go all that well with bad dice, but good/decent dice can lead to a nice victory!
Cool graphics with a gameplay that does attempt to stay within the game theme.
#2 of 7
6 Apr 2010
Reviewed by Norseman  Average
I'm only giving this board 6/10 because it's not what it could be. The artwork is great and I love the concept, but it's too easy to eliminate someone on your first turn before they even have a chance to take a turn. Because of this, the UFOs and other interesting board features become distractions from the main objective: eliminate someone ASAP so you can assimilate all of their territories.
#1 of 7