210 Open Daily games
1 Open Realtime game

Rating: 6.64 out of 10 based on 11 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


29 Feb 2012
Reviewed by Thing  Fair
Bit complicated at first.
#11 of 11
14 Dec 2011
Reviewed by DBA72  Bad
I don't like the premise. I don't understand it. I don't like the gameplay...I think it leads to boring long drawn out purposeless games, and I don't like the graphics or how tiny the areas to select are. I would rate lower, but I don't want to be the first to go lower, and I appreciate people that create boards and want them to continue, but this one is not for me! Obviously I'm in the minority; so play the board and make your on opinion.
#10 of 11
1 Nov 2011
Reviewed by aids1080  Perfect
this board is amazing and i cant get enough of it
#9 of 11
10 Sep 2011
Reviewed by MilesTeg  Bad
I don't know if I just don't get this board or something, but I really can't get into it.
#8 of 11
5 Sep 2011
Reviewed by Satan  Superb
Very interesting board -- the delicate balance between multiple players means that success is impossible without relying on the other players. Definitely worth playing, very enjoyable once you understand the nuances.

With good players and no mistakes this is a superb board. However, because the balance is so fine, a single mistake - a misclick - can determine the outcome.

The missed turn timer has a completely different effect in this game than in others. When a player misses a turn, it's a enormous windfall to whoever that player would have held down - usually the following player. I'm not sure what a better way to handle it would be, but a missed turn shifts the balance so fundamentally that multiple players effectively get punished.
#7 of 11
17 Jun 2011
Reviewed by Kjeld  Great
Would earn a superb except for the fact that success hangs so much on the balance of decisions made by other players beyond your control. One player who really doesn't know the ropes yet can seriously imbalance the game, as Bratac points out below (more so than on other maps). However, a unique concept as always from Nygma, and nicely executed. I've enjoyed most of the games I've played on this board, and would recommend.
#6 of 11
18 May 2011
Reviewed by Skelement  Great
had no clue what I was doing at first, but once I figured out the board it is a very enjoyable board
#5 of 11
3 Apr 2011
Reviewed by Mongrel  Superb
Doom doom doom top that.

EDIT: Okay, real review. I think the map is tons of fun. Absolutely some psychology in this one, and serious planning is a necessity. As other reviewers mention, An unobservant player can spoil the game for all, but, you know, don't hate the game hate the player. Big advocate of using the risk engine to make games that play altogether different than risk, and this, along with spies, are Nygma's finest examples. Well done I say.
#4 of 11
15 Mar 2011
Reviewed by Jigler  Average
very unusual and interesting. play is really neat and fun! great idea. I agree with Master Bratac below, that one bad player can ruin the game for everyone. Also, the description is very vague. i didn't know what was going on at first.
#3 of 11
13 Mar 2011
Reviewed by Master Bratac  Poor
Initially, this board is fun. However, it has a fundamental flaw in that the person who follows the least competent player has a tremendous advantage.
#2 of 11
19 Feb 2011
Reviewed by Kagutsuchi  Great
This map is quite enjoyable. It took me a turn or two to really figure out what was going on, but it's pretty easy once you get it. The goal is to be the first to claim your balloon, which you use to attack the capitols (letters at the top). (As a side note, it makes me think of the carnival games with the water guns.)

All the bonuses come from the tree, so the best thing to do is to spread out as widely and quickly as possible so the other players can't take all of it away. There is no defensive strategy required since everything defends with 1-sided dice. Pretty basic, but still requiring strategy in order to keep your bonuses. Dice luck only comes into play on the balloons, which also helps to make it a little more fair.
#1 of 11