179 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.87 out of 10 based on 119 ratings

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Pages:   123456   (6 in total)
27 Dec 2023
Reviewed by Floppie  Perfect
Never gets boring. Improvement of the original
#120 of 120
20 Apr 2023
Reviewed by SpyYoshiRv  Superb
A really good board which is a better expansion to the original. The addition of Supercontinents scoping an overall region adds a twist that allows for a better strategic outcome on what should be prioritized.

It does have a bit of a flaw: Seat 1 in 2 player duels often has an advantage, albeit not a huge one (about 63% of the time) which most of the time boils down to getting lucky with first turn continent bonuses. You could end up with 21 units from getting both Continental USA and Western Europe, which is an instant nail in the coffin for Seat 2.

But the real reason its 9 stars for me is the very wonderful synergy with large player games. The winner can easily come from anywhere from the map, EVEN while bunkering in 1 or 2 territories, and thanks to the card scale progression (which ends at a comfortable 51 in this map), strategic aggressiveness can often win you the game. Many times i have seen beautiful gameplay on 16 player games that won the game by strategically pinpointing the location of everyone on the map.

It's simplistic yet also strategic, it's enjoyable.
#119 of 120
18 Feb 2022
Reviewed by Guderian65  Superb
I like it
#118 of 120
14 Feb 2021
Reviewed by CaptFinck  Superb
I like that there are no neutrals and bonuses for many areas
#117 of 120
28 Jan 2021
Reviewed by Miguelli  Superb
Great overall board. Feels more balanced than the original Risk.
#116 of 120
26 Sep 2020
Reviewed by Johasi Vidad  Great
Pretty good expanded basic risk world map with the addition of super continent bonuses.
#115 of 120
18 Aug 2020
Reviewed by mack attack  Perfect
it is like a larger version of the original board, and is a good 5+ map.
#114 of 120
29 May 2020
Reviewed by Jax  Superb
#113 of 120
4 Apr 2020
Reviewed by BlueFinKilla  Superb
I would consider this as one of the standard boards on the site. More countries create an environment that requires more strategy and can sustain more players at the same time.
#112 of 120
22 Feb 2020
Reviewed by hootz72  Superb
Very nice variation of the original
#111 of 120
3 Apr 2019
Reviewed by totti  Perfect
this 1's awesome
#110 of 120
6 Oct 2018
Reviewed by mike k  Perfect
#109 of 120
18 Sep 2018
Reviewed by jungkerl  Superb
#108 of 120
3 May 2018
Reviewed by Adolph  Great
#107 of 120
25 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Big Skin  Superb
Great enhancement off the original. I appreciate the complexity.
#106 of 120
8 Mar 2017
Reviewed by Redolent  Great
Solid enough
#105 of 120
17 Feb 2017
Reviewed by Abishai  Superb
The thing I like about this map is that it seems very balanced to me. The winner can emerge from any part of the map.
#104 of 120
6 Jan 2017
Reviewed by Litotes  Superb
Excellent board :) Love the complexity of it.
#103 of 120
1 Dec 2016
Reviewed by Terminatorr  Good
Tough to see the boundaries of the sub continents, but very complex and interesting. Lot's to think about before making a move.
#102 of 120
20 Oct 2016
Reviewed by sirdakka  Average
#101 of 120
Pages:   123456   (6 in total)