215 Open Daily games
3 Open Realtime games

Rating: 7.33 out of 10 based on 3 ratings

You can review this board once you have completed a Public game


24 Dec 2023
Reviewed by BTdubs  Superb
An excellent dueling board.

This board rewards strategic thinking about whether and when to build up forces or attack enemy forces. It has almost no bottlenecks. The right thing to do actually does depend on what the opponent is doing. Feels like a space battle because maneuvering to gain territory and shooting down enemy ships are different actions.

Takes some getting used to because you can make mistakes (like abandoning territories you did not mean to!).

Note that this board includes some uncommon mechanics: artillery borders, capitals, maximum units per territory, limited number of attacks, limited number of transfers, territory abandon is on, etc.

My only complaint about the board is that it is sometimes slightly unclear which ships can or cannot attack other ships, which can make it difficult to plan the number of attacks needed for a given attack path. It’s possible to get this information from the board explorer, so this is not a fatal flaw.
#3 of 3
22 Nov 2021
Reviewed by BlitzKrieg9  Poor
This was a fine board, but I was not sure how to play in the beginning. I prefer the normal risk board over this one.
#2 of 3
19 Aug 2021
Reviewed by jungkerl  Superb
#1 of 3