205 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 2
    Premium Member Yertle
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    Nov 09

    I'd like the ability to Hide boards that are in Dev status in the Board Designer.  I have some that are potential works and some that are "referency-ish" that I'd like to keep but can easily clog up my Dev list.

    So perhaps just an option in the Right click Actions to Hide Dev Board.  Then add a Hidden Filter button (like the Live/Submitted/Dev/Retired area) which lists Hidden boards with the ability to work on them there and/or bring them back to Dev status.


    Wouldn't mind seeing something similar for Scenarios of a Board too, which would probably mean the ability to have a Live Board with a Hidden Scenario that isn't Live.


    Just one of those nice-to-haves. :)


  2. #2 / 2
    Pop. 1, Est. 1981 Alpha
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    Dec 09

    on that topic, I would like to be able to add/retire/hide scenarios without needing to promote a live board and keep a backup with hidden scenarios.

    Never Start Vast Projects With Half Vast Ideas.

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