185 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 6
    Premium Member Kjeld
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    Somehow my factories eliminated me after I ended turn, it seems, though I have no idea how. I still control several capitals: http://www.wargear.net/games/player/120946

    I've noticed a few other very strange occurences with the factories on this Dev board as well, though I'm having a hard time retracing exactly how the errors occurred.

  2. #2 / 6
    Premium Member Kjeld
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    Also, for some reason when I try to view the board now, I get this message,

    "Download Flash Player

    You must install Adobe Flash Player to be able to play this game"

    I can still load and play other games just fine. I don't know what it is about this one particular game, but it's very broken.

  3. #3 / 6
    Standard Member Cona Chris
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    Kjeld wrote:

    Also, for some reason when I try to view the board now, I get this message,

    "Download Flash Player

    You must install Adobe Flash Player to be able to play this game"

    I can still load and play other games just fine. I don't know what it is about this one particular game, but it's very broken.

    I've had this happen to me a couple of times recently when I try to watch a replay of a game that just finished, but it seems to go away and I can look at the game replay after I logout and back in after a few minutes...


  4. #4 / 6
    Premium Member Kjeld
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    Similar thing in this game. I don't know why Risky got eliminated, as he still had one capital left: http://www.wargear.net/games/player/120945

  5. #5 / 6
    Premium Member Kjeld
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    I think I figured out the elimination problem. I set the neutral foliage territories to be neutral capitals, but forgot to set the ones that the Lorax starts with to be capital cities. So, yeah, I'm an idiot. Frown

  6. #6 / 6
    Standard Member Toto
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    Cona Chris wrote:
    Kjeld wrote:

    Also, for some reason when I try to view the board now, I get this message,

    "Download Flash Player

    You must install Adobe Flash Player to be able to play this game"

    I can still load and play other games just fine. I don't know what it is about this one particular game, but it's very broken.

    I've had this happen to me a couple of times recently when I try to watch a replay of a game that just finished, but it seems to go away and I can look at the game replay after I logout and back in after a few minutes...


    Here is Tom's reply about this problem : http://www.wargear.net/forum/showthread/2083/Bug_:_Impossible_to_launch_player

    Two Eyes for An Eye, The Jaw for A Tooth

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