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  1. #41 / 44
    Colonel M57 M57 is offline now
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    Oops.. that last link was an error/typo -- That was a game I was looking at where a new player was (in my opinion) clearly frustrated with how a lightning game wasn't working.  I'll get the link with the new video up shortly..

    It should be possible to play WG boards in real-time ..without the wait, regardless of how many are playing.
    Edited Tue 20th Mar 14:20 [history]

  2. #42 / 44
    Colonel M57 M57 is offline now
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    Here's the link..


    The video is titled "The Head 2 Head Issue".

    I was thinking that the H2H solution should honor Attack Dice Mods only - Not Defensive Mods.

    It should be possible to play WG boards in real-time ..without the wait, regardless of how many are playing.

  3. #43 / 44
    Premium Member Yertle
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    M57 wrote:

    I was thinking that the H2H solution should honor Attack Dice Mods only - Not Defensive Mods.

    I haven't watched the video yet, but doesn't that start making this gameplay more different than Turn Based and doesn't make boards a simple port over from Turn Based?  That's a pretty big difference isn't it?

    *yawn* *stretch* time to wake up..

  4. #44 / 44
    Colonel M57 M57 is offline now
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    Yertle wrote:

    I haven't watched the video yet, but doesn't that start making this gameplay more different than Turn Based and doesn't make boards a simple port over from Turn Based?  That's a pretty big difference isn't it?

    Yep.  As I said in the video, the ability for armies to clash in H2H fashion is not possible in the real game - it is "UnRisk-like", and so it makes sense that the solution is going to have to be "UnRisk-Like".   And yes, it makes the game different, but if you can imagine what the original creators of the game might have gone with if such an option existed back in the day, this solution seems pretty natural.

    Another way to look at it could be to consider how the solution is Risk-like.  Both opponents are throwing "attack" dice.  There are no defensive dice.  Once we agree that there needs to be a way to let them fight it out, it seems pretty reasonable to say that neither side should should have an advantage.  Viewed at in this context, a straight "dice-off" could be interpreted to be a very Risk-like solution.  Support for the Attack Dice Mods (BTW, a non-Risk feature found on maps that hardly raises an eyebrow these days), is icing on the cake.

    It should be possible to play WG boards in real-time ..without the wait, regardless of how many are playing.

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