227 Open Daily games
6 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 6
    Standard Member SquintGnome
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    Hello All,

    Please help me test out a new board I am developing based on the AA board game.  I have selected rules and settings intended to have the same 'feel' and pace of the board game.

    As a first step to creating a full map I created this match-up mini board with Germany vying against Russia.  All the rules and elements I intend to have in the full map are here in this board so please help me test it out.

    Below are some games I have started.  I will post more if needed.  Please post any feedback in this thread so I can use it to improve the board. 

    Rules and description are posted below the games.






    Quick start guide:


    Unlimited units per territory

    No reinforcement

    Placement  only on territories with factory icon or zones with icons

    Sea zones have negative bonus

    Armor and sea units can move 1 or 2 territories

    Base Attack at 60% and Defense at 75%

    No cards




    Germany  must attack agresively to turn its advantage in starting forces to an increase in bonus by taking territory and threatening the production territories of Russia.

    Russia must fight defensively at first to hold on to its bonuses while it puts more units in the field to match its opponent's strength.  Capturing you opponent's factory territory will usually be a decisive blow.


    Things to watch out for:


    Placement - Similar to real warfare, fighting units originate from one or two territories and must move towards their objectives with purpose and plan.  The general must think ahead multiple moves to make sure his units are in place when and where he needs them and develop supply lines to the hot spots. 

    Units can only be placed on territores with  factory icons on them or special zones with icons as noted below. Each country has two factories.  There is no limit to the number of units in each territory but there are limits to how much some special zones can hold. 

    Tip: Capture you opponents factory and use it to produce you own troops to shorten your supply line.


    Sea Zones - Sea territories have a negative bonus to reflect the cost of travelling by sea.  Movement over sea requires transports and support ships which cannot be used on land, so consider occupying sea zones as an investment in resources to gain the benefits of control of the high seas.  Sea forces can move up to two zones per turn and because of their size relative to vast oceans zone they can pass undetected through enemy occupied sea zones.  Establish convoys to bypass the front lines and supply troops to hot spots or areas of opportunity. 


    Attack and Defense - Each turn is considered to be a period of about a month, so each game attack represents a battle fought over this time period.  (Historical examples would be the Battle of the Bulge, Battle for Stalingrad, Battle for Iwo Jima, and the Battle for El Alamein.) Because of this  it is assumed the defender has had time to select their ground and construct reinforments and therefore has the advantage.  Attack is 60% and Defense is 75% which is a ratio of about 1.25.  So, in general, an attacker will need 1.25 times the number of forces to keep pace with the defender. 




    Across the board are icons in land and sea territories representing special zones: Armor, Aircraft, Sub, Aircraft Carrier, and Battleship.  Placing units in these zones will convert them from infantry to another type of group that gives them enhanced movement, attack or defense capabilities.  The capital and training cost of converison is a reduction in some abilities plus the specialized forces cannot leave their zone.

    Units from these zones can attack other territories but cannot take or occupy them.  Units can be placed directly on only Armor and Aircraft zones.  For Sub, Battleship, and Aircraft Carrier zones units can be placed there only from their surrounding sea or land territory, so you must control the surrounding territory before converting troops to their new use or resupplying the special units.  In addition, once controlled, Aircraft Carrier zones can be resupplied from the main land air base.  These zones can be captured and used by the new owner.  


    Air group zone -  Place units in these zones to convert them to aircraft with enhancement movenment capability and better resistance to return fire.  The air group zones enables missions from the air base for bombing runs or ground support with any remaining aircraft returing to base.   

          Attack  35%

          Defense 15% (anti-aircraft fire)

          Movement of 4 (range of two territories out and two back to base)


    Sub zone - Place units in these zones to convert them to submarines with first strike and submerge capability.  Use subs to keep an approaching landing force at bay.

         Attack 35%

         Defense 10% (depth charging while submerged)

         Range of 1 adjacent sea zone


    Aircraft Carrier zone - Place units in these zones to convert them to a carrier group.  Space is limited on the decks, so only 25 units maximum for this zone.  Use these zones to extend your envelope of power and reach your opponents capital or other strategic areas. 

         Attack 35%

         Defense 15%

         Movement of 4 (range of 2 territories our and two back to the flight deck)


    Battleship zone - Place units in these zones to convert them to a battleship group.  Pound your foe in an adjacent sea zone with the withering fire from your large guns or support an amphibious assualt with shore bombardment.

         Attack 65% (long range guns)

         Defense 25% (air attacks)


    Armor zone - Place units in these zones to convert them to tanks.  The armor zone allows your tanks to blitz into battle by moving one or two adjacent territories.  When armor units blitz they can speedily bypass the fixed defenses of an enemy occupied territory and perform a surgical strike behind enemy lines. Limit of 20 units per each armor zone.

    Cards - No cards are used for this board.  Luck will be in the battlefield dice only.

  2. #2 / 6
    Standard Member SquintGnome
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    It's so quiet.....even the crickets aren't chirping

  3. #3 / 6
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    I think the # of simulgear players is pretty low.   Wish I could help.

  4. #4 / 6
    Premium Member Andernut
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    I was tempted to help until I saw 1-day turn limits.  If you invite me to longer turn times I'll help out.

  5. #5 / 6
    Hey....Nice Marmot BorisTheFrugal
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    Sep 10

    I play simulgear, but try to keep it in private games to limit the amount of shame I'll have to feel based on my lack of ability.  And since I'm no pro, I'd fear I'd be more of a bane than an benefit.

  6. #6 / 6
    Standard Member SquintGnome
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    Jun 11

    Thank you all for your feedback.  I will start some more games with a two day limit.

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