207 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 5
    Factory Worker Edward Nygma
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    Nov 09

    I am trying to make a board that is quite a large undertaking.  It requires lots of making continent sequences in XML.  The amount of work isn't gigantic using XML, but developing a system is tough since there are LOTS of continents required.

    The idea is Battleship.  


    The hard part is ship placement.  I have developed turn markers so that at the start of the game you have "Turn 1" and at the beginning of turn 2, you lose "Turn 1" and gain "Turn 2."  This continues until turn 5.

    Each player has an Offense and Defense grid (each 10x10), A capital city, 2 Arrow shaped territories, and the 5 turn markers (For boat placement).

    On the first turn the player owns "Place Carrier" and one of 2 arrows (Right or Down).  I need 5 continents per territory on the opponent's Offsensive Grid (that are legal territories) that contain "P1 Place Carrier" one of the "Arrow Shapes" (then another 5 for the other arrow), and one territory on the "Offensive Grid" with universal factories in each of the 5 locations on the "Defensive Grid" to place the carrier.  If you have the "Right Arrow" it should place the units in the territory on the "Defensive Grid" that corresponds to the one the player selects on the opponent's "Offensive Grid" and in each of the 4 territories to the right of the selected territory.  This will place the "Carrier" the ship with a length of 5.

    Then I need to repeat that for each of the other ships (lengths 5,4,3,3,2) which include the other turn markers or "Place 'Ship'" territories.

    I need that for each player.

    I also need each turn marker to be a -1 universal continent for each territory on the opponent's "Offensive Grid" that also contains the player's capital and the last ship selector, so that your selectior disappears when the game begins.  The selection has to be on your opponent's selector so that you don't get a peak at your opponent's ships while they are selecting.

    I also need a -1 from each territory on the "Offensive Grids" to the Opponent's "Defensive Grid" so that hit's remove the ship parts.  

    Last I need +1's from each territory on the defensive grid to the capital, and a -1 from the capital to itself.  This way you lose when your ships are gone.


    Anybody want to help? :)

  2. #2 / 5
    Standard Member ratsy
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    Jul 10

    I can do it in excel, which copies and pastes into the xml with extra spaces, but the coding works. And it won't take ...Forever...

  3. #3 / 5
    Factory Worker Edward Nygma
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    Nov 09

    That would be amazing.  Plus we'd have battleship!

  4. #4 / 5
    Standard Member ratsy
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    Jul 10

    There are 6800 continents just for putting the ships on the board!  {#emotions_dlg.eek}

    "I shall pass this but once, any good I can do, or kindness I can show; let me do it now. Let me not difer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." -Stephen Grellet

  5. #5 / 5
    Premium Member Snoochie Boochies
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    Apr 11

    Oh love this idea! Wish I could help but Im just a poor network engineer,but cant wait for it to go to Beta Id love to help out on it

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