176 Open Daily games
2 Open Realtime games
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  1. #1 / 5
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    This is the place to vote for the LEGO  map making competition.  Details are in this thread (copy & paste link):


    The only requirement to vote is you have to play each of the boards at least once.  Then to vote post here with your top 3 favorite boards ranked.  Once you vote, you can't change your vote.  If your vote does not follow the required format of a ranked top 3 list, it will be discarded.

    Deadline for votes: Midnight GMT February 28th, 2013

    Here are the boards:

    Please keep all other discussion out of this thread.  If you have any questions PM me or post them in the thread linked above.

    Only post votes in this thread, feel free to give your review of the boards or why you voted in the order you did, but please use the other threads for discussion of boards.  ALL OTHER POSTS WILL BE DELETED!

    Edited Mon 5th Nov 23:33 [history]

  2. #2 / 5
    Standard Member ratsy
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    1. Lego Factory Battle

    2. Minifig MAdness

    3. Wargo


    This one was tough, so I want to give some justification for my decision making here:

    1. Lego factory battle:  The good: fresh game design, super fun to play, mostly well implemented.  The bad: can be complicate for some players, game finishing phase a little counter-intunitive.

    I really like the way this board plays, and am thrilled with it's implementation. Ozy did a great job of the upcomming peices, thinking through how it would play out and making it easy to use. 3 sided die is brilliant, and I have been deeply engaged every game.  It' an awesome duel board. Still has some behind the scenes game mechanics to iron out, and I found the endgame kinda hard to learn, although it's simple once you got it. 

    2. Mini-fig madness is graphically really nicely made (it's pretty). It's simple to play, and adheres to the theme wonderfully! It's also very straight forward, which is why it's number two. If all the players never make any mistakes, the board will be prone to stalemates.  All in all, it's fun to play and really nice. 

    3. Wargo - Wargo is a fresh and fun concept that is not quite there yet.  It's nice to look at, adheres to the theme and can be fun to play, but needs a little more development to be a published game. Everything happens too fast on that board, and it can be hard to tell what's going on with the continents, and calculate your bonus. 

    Lego X factor is well designed board that has very linear game play. I tend to like the stranger boards, so this one didn't make my list - however, if you like em' simple this is the board for you!

    Legotaurus, the ultimate race to the middle! I found it hard to implement a strategy on this board, although it can be fun to try to get spider webs up and block the other players. You have to think the whole game ahead to use it however.  

    "I shall pass this but once, any good I can do, or kindness I can show; let me do it now. Let me not difer nor neglect it, for I shall not pass this way again." -Stephen Grellet

  3. #3 / 5
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    #1 - Lego Factory Battle.  Yes I'm voting for my own map first. Out of all the maps, I have the most fun playing this one.  I think the graphics are sharp.  It obviously fits the theme well.  The way units arrive via conveyer belt is something I don't think I've seen before . Simple & Advanced versions, plus several scenarios give lots of replay value. Biggest downfall is that luck seems to play a large role, but IMO most 1v1 maps luck plays a very large role.  

    #2 Minifig Madness - This map is pretty fun to play.  The theme obviously fits well.  Graphics look very sharp.  My own complaint is that gameplay is not that interesting. Kind of by-the-book.

    #3 Lego X Factor - I did not like this map that much the first time I played it, but it is growing on me.  Gameplay is pretty straightforward, but seems to work pretty well. My biggest complaint is that borders are a little confusing at first, graphics look a bit sloppy, and continent bonuses are not on the board.  Basically all graphical issues, which I know can be hard.  Overall a pretty fun map if you give it a chance.

    Honorable Mentions:

    Legotaurus - I think this could have been a #1 game, but the way it is now it just doesn't play well.  I love the mechanic of placing walls to block your opponents & I think the graphics look very good.  But the games I played did not resolve satisfactorily. The placing of walls was just a distraction and the winner was the one who ignored the walls and rushed to the center.  I think with some work this could be an outstanding map.

    Wargo - I love the idea behind this map - looking at a random pile of lego and finding shapes in it.  Probably the strongest adherence to theme in the bunch, but the gameplay just didn't work for me.  It seems like it still needs something, although I'm not sure what.

  4. #4 / 5
    Enginerd weathertop
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    1. Lego Factory Battle

    2 (tie). Minifig Madness & Wargo

    4. Legotaurus

    5. Lego X Factor

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    This one had a pretty clear cut winner, IMO. the next two would need a bit more playing to make a decision.

    - Lego Factory Battle: i'll echo the comments above: sharp, fun, thematic, outstanding conveyor belts!, well done Ozy!

    - Minifig Madness: Pretty straightforward map, hard to pick out the 4-man-combos, but with more play on the board that would work itself out.

    - Wargo: Only got one game in on this one, and would like a couple more. A bit more complicated than Minifig, but decent potential. Great application of theme here - tho a bit hard to find continents...

    - Legotaurus: I agree that this struggled (a bit!) in the application of 'fun'. I just couldn't find a way to  make it unique & playable. Something along the lines of Kjeld's new "Gates of Hell" board? I'm up for farming it out for upgrades, cus i agree there's huge potential here somewhere! Unless that happens, especially with the feedback I'm getting, I'm going to let it fall out of beta until I (or someone else) has a brainstorm to add to it.

    - Lego X Factor: Gameplay was straightforward, tho borders took some getting used to. True, the graphics were a bit less sharp than the others; but it wasn't a major factor in throwing this at the bottom (sorry j-bomb - I just couldn't get into it). I can see others liking it tho.

    I'm a man.
    But I can change,
    if I have to,
    I guess...
    Edited Thu 28th Feb 23:13 [history]

  5. #5 / 5
    Shelley, not Moore Ozyman
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    I tallied the votes here:



    Looks to me like the winners are:

    1. Lego Factory Battle

    2. Minifig Madness

    3. Wargo


    Winners PM Tom for their prize.

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