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    Brigadier General M57 M57 is offline now
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    As some of you know, I am a big fan of restricting Movement Count/Unit Range.  I have maps based on this feature that are all but ready to go. I have proposed a solution for making URange work that involves giving territories attributes, where territories pass unit attributes to the next territory as units attack and occupy them. Figuring out a way to make remaining  movement count visible on the board was tricky, and there are some good proposed solutions, but I was thinking of another that would have the capacity to accommodate different and/or additional attributes. 

    Basically, the idea is to use punctuation to differentiate function.


    Sorry, I wasn't able to upload or even insert the image so I'll just point to it.


    • Irkutsk (Pink) has 3 units with an attack modifier of +1
    • Mongolia has 12 units with a defense modifier of -1
    • Siberia has 5 units with a remaining movement count of 2
    • China has 7 units with a remaining movement count of 1 and an attack modifier of +1
    • Afganistan has 9 units with remaining MCount of 4, attack mod -2, def mod of +1

    / = Movement

    ' = Attack Mod

    , = Defense Mod

    Yes, it can get unwieldy, but designers don't have to use all the features at once, and if they choose to use three or four, they need to leave space on the board for all the information.

    I'm calling them territory attributes because technically this is how they would be coded, but from the player's perspective, these are unit attributes that follow their units around the board

    Note that attack and def modifiers can be additional modifiers to existing static border mods.

    Obviously, there could be many other attributes that could be assigned nomenclature. The big picture is to work towards the concept of unit autonomy. Imagine Warriors, Generals, Spys, Troops, Calvary, etc..

    Edited Sat 24th Nov 07:44 [history]

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