189 Open Daily games
4 Open Realtime games
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  1. #21 / 23
    Premium Member berickf
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    Andernut wrote:

    There's 250-300 boards on this site.  If a couple are pulled that's not really locking up many CPs and the most it can prevent you from getting is 20 points.  Let's not be dramatic here.  There's people in the top 10 list with 200 points... that's top ranking on 10 boards. 

    With at least 250 boards to play on I wouldn't worry about a small number of boards being removed, there's still plenty of room to compete on.  Most boards won't be removed unless there's a real problem.

    Hey Andernut,

    I don't think I was being dramatic. Like I said, I didn't know how prevalent it is.  If it's just a couple boards like you say, ie 2, then obviously not very prevalent and nothing to be concerned about.  If it's 25-30 boards however, that would be 10% of all boards, which would be quite prevalent and thus would become a concern for the integrity of the ranking.  The higher the percentage of points excluded from the system of competition even though they are already divvied out, the greater the concern.  That's all I'm saying.


  2. #22 / 23
    Standard Member Thingol
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    The intention was not to remove any boards. I was under the impression that the only way I could rename a board was to retire it, rename it and then repromote it.  I don't remember if I read that in the Help section or from one of the forum threads...or if it was simply my misunderstanding.  Well, I got a hankering to rename my maps to more appropriate names (ie - Operation Citadel to Kursk), hoping to make it easier for those searching thru maps to find them. However, I found that I could not re-promote the maps from a retired state (or rename them, for that matter - Tom has assisted with that).


    At about this time, things became very busy work-wise and that combined with a long personal streak of losses and bad luck combined to whittle at my patience level.  When I tried to submit a previously live map to review, it took 7 or 8 days to get enough folks to accept and then the game didn't start correctly.  After a couple days...and with working a ton of hours, I simply lost interest/patience.

    Yertle, you can answer this one - is there any way, short of admin assistance, to promote a retired map directly back to live?  I don't look forward to putting a bunch of review games out there.


    By the way, appreciate the good comments regarding the maps and apologies for the pain on the CPoints.

  3. #23 / 23
    Prime Amidon37
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    Feb 10

    I was sorry to hear that you were leaving Thingol - just when you got me somewhat interested in SimulGear.

    And I had the thought that closing all you boards wouldn't be your style - Glad to hear you (may) get them back. 

    Hope it works out and hope you play again some day -

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