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  1. #1 / 3
    Standard Member Billy69
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    How come I am losing so many rolls? My luck stats are - 12 compared with others in the same game as me have +6. Will this eventually even out? No wonder I can't win a game... 

  2. #2 / 3
    Brigadier General M57 M57 is offline now
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    The more you play, the more likely it is that it will rarely even out, though it's not unlikely that if you play enough your overall luck will be become positive - and most certainly it will be positive over short runs of 5 or 10 games. This is the nature of probability and statistics.  Right now the sample size of games you have played is quite small. But over time the distribution of your luck scores will likely look more and more like a normal distribution curve, and the times you actually have perfectly even luck will be quite rare (in games with a few hundred rolls it will happen less than 1% of the time.


    Have you added up all of your luck stats in the games you've finished? ..or like most of us, do you just remember the games when you had terrible luck?

    For more info check out the WarGear Wiki page on luck stats here, and be sure to read toward the bottom of the page.


    Card Membership - putting the power of factories in your hand.
    Edited Sat 6th Dec 14:42 [history]

  3. #3 / 3
    Standard Member itsnotatumor
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    I believe the appropriate term is "Welcome to the suck."  =)

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