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  1. #1 / 9
    Premium Member Yertle
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    In response to the great asm's recent Rating of the complete migration of Cumberdale's Mall of the Dead (found here), I give you irony...

    asm's Review of Mall of the Dead on ToS in Dec of 2008 (I take no offense to the reviews, this is all in good fun, but I am going to tell Cumberdale!):

    "Man. The reviews on this board really suffer from idiots that don't understand semi-advanced game mechanics.
    ON THE FLIP SIDE, my ranking on this board benefits from those same idiots. I don't think I've played a (post-testing phase) game yet where I didn't finally venture into the dept store (NW corner) after wiping out everybody else and find one of the 2 players that started next to it hiding out in there sitting on 10 armies or so.
    Okay, yes, on occasion you can be wiped out in the first turn or two, especially if you're overly aggressive in those turns. But this only happens when your opponent both plays well and has really lucky rolls... so obviously that's not a flaw in the map.
    To mist...@...: Obviously I don't have to really say this, as at the time of this writing you've only played 22 games, so everybody (with the possible exclusion of yourself) knows that your opinions carry zero weight. Sadly, the Warfish rating system does not at this time correct for beginners ("noobs," if you prefer) who aren't aware of how little they know. For your personal improvement: This board allows what we call "return to attack from transfer," which means that you're able to, well, return to attack from transfer. In other words, you can transfer your men back into your attacking force rather than leaving them behind on the "detour spots." In addition, once the game heats up and the pressure is on to maximize each of your 5 transfers (I know, you've never been there), part of the challenge of playing on this board comes from making inferences about your opponents' behavior and choosing intelligently (I know, you've never done that either) about which spots to attack with 1 and which with 3. That's part of where the whole "getting bonus for every space you acquire" comes in. I know you'll never see this page again but for my own edification I'll suggest that you learn to play a little better and come back and give this board the review it deserves.
    The review it deserves: Another bang-on winner from Cumberdale. Gameplay is well-balanced and interesting. It's possible to come back from a less than ideal start. Each and every turn presents challenging and interesting decisions. Rules (# of attacks/transfers/phase shifts) are set up perfectly to take advantage of the setup. Bonus balance is superb. Graphics excel both in terms of clarity and enjoyability as well as mood-setting. 6 Stars."


    Happy Gearing all! {#emotions_dlg.razz}

    You have been granted the title of Strategist!

  2. #2 / 9
    Premium Member Yertle
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    Just for fun, here is Tom's review from ToS too:

    "Another highly atmospheric map to sit alongside Salem's Dusk - brilliantly captures the feel of walking around a deserted Mall wondering what you're going to bump into next.

    As usual perfectly balanced cards / fortifies and Return to Placement from Attack setting allows all sorts of trickery, the first map I've played with this turned on.

    Only observations (not a complaint as I shamelessly abused this :p) is that it's pretty easy to eliminate other players before they get their second or third turns which is harsh. It's also vital for your survival that your first few attacks come off without loss - but this is the case on most maps. There is imbalance in the starting positions but it's not impossible to overcome given the right strategy and a bit of luck but this adds to the charm of the game.

    Great work as usual!"

    asm, are you going to disagree with the creator and admin of WG???

    You have been granted the title of Strategist!

  3. #3 / 9
    Major General asm asm is offline now
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    Too funny. I saw the thread title on the 'Recent Forum Activity' page and I just KNEW this was going to have something to do with me, somehow.

    I don't go to the other/old site, so I don't have much background, but I'm pretty confident in what I wrote on Mall yesterday. Those two starting spots are crippling. I actually agree with everything KK and I wrote in the quoted reviews. I was afraid you'd quote me heaping abuse on someone complaining about the imbalance in starting spots!

    (P.S. you know I'll disagree with anyone, any time! Can't shame me!)

    Been gone a while. You all did a good job holding down the fort.

  4. #4 / 9
    Premium Member Yertle
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    You have been granted the title of Strategist!

  5. #5 / 9
    Colonel M57 M57 is offline now
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    I don't believe asm has rated any of my boards.  I'm quaking in my boots.

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  6. #6 / 9
    Major General asm asm is offline now
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    Well. I think I've mellowed a bit in the last 7 years. But if it'll make you happy, I'll go look for one of yours in my un-reviewed list (although then I'll lose my achievements again).

    Been gone a while. You all did a good job holding down the fort.

  7. #7 / 9
    Enginerd weathertop
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    at least you have a few boards worthy of being reviewed like that ;^p

    I'm a man.
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    I guess...

  8. #8 / 9
    Enginerd weathertop
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    and BTW: wow, ToS is still up?! and playing?! and some of you are either a) still playing there or b) were so good you're still in the top 10?!

    I'm a man.
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    if I have to,
    I guess...

  9. #9 / 9
    Premium Member Andernut
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    weathertop wrote:

    and BTW: wow, ToS is still up?! and playing?! and some of you are either a) still playing there or b) were so good you're still in the top 10?!

    I went back a few times because inevitably someone here wanted me to play someone there but the site is so hard to use now.  

    My last ranked game was over 3 years ago at which point I was 2nd or 3rd on the site behind Kobra Kai but even so had only played 11 games in that whole year while finishing off some tournaments.

    I brought about 9 of my (offline) friends over here but it took lots of coaxing.  

    Mad Bomber, you had ludicrous numbers of games on tos going if you were Mike Stewart (I didn't realize or remember that).  You had at any given time like 100 games going I think lol.


    Edit - I see I'm 6th over there now.

    Edited Tue 13th Jan 00:27 [history]

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