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  1. #1 / 27
    Standard Member RiskyBack
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    So in Gauntlet I think we are finding the same problem Cram had with Castles but it's not every game.  I know KrocK is having a problem attacking from Red 34 to the Neckless but the border is a 2 way default border.  I think when I made the map I added duplicate borders.  Could you check it out for me?



    Also, I don't know if this has been brought up, but when there are a lot of borders from 1 territory sometimes a box appears over the map and the border arrows and blocks everything.  I have this happen sometimes in the design tool also.  This is an image from my Risk-E Vaders map but it also happens in Duck Hunt.



    Thanks and just to let you know, my downstairs neighbors are cooking pork chops.

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  2. #2 / 27
    Premium Member KrocK
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    here is a link to a gauntlet game that i am holding the red necklace and an unable to attack red 34 (directly below) i did check the designer link that you posted Risky and for some reason when i clicked the border in question to edit it, it said that it was a two way view only. so i think that maybe there is two borders, a view and a default(attack) but the player is seeing only a view. or mabye Im way off thinking of pork chops OOooOOhhHh pork chops...

  3. #3 / 27
    Premium Member Yertle
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    Yep it has 2 borders. I think at times it combines those borders, to where it thinks it's a Default border so it may even bring up an Attack window, but then realizes it's View Only and errors out (at least I've seen this before)...hence why 1 of the borders should probably be deleted ;).

    I think tom commented something along the lines of UhOh for the big black box that blocks everything issue, dunno if he looked into it or not though.

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  4. #4 / 27
    Standard Member RiskyBack
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    Yert, should I delete all the borders directly around the necklesses and then add just default borders and then tell you and you can fix the live or would it be easier if you just did it all while I made a sandwich because the pork chop smell is making me hungry. Why do you grill pork chops at 10pm?

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  5. #5 / 27
    Premium Member Yertle
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    RiskyBack wrote: Yert, should I delete all the borders directly around the necklesses and then add just default borders and then tell you and you can fix the live or would it be easier if you just did it all while I made a sandwich because the pork chop smell is making me hungry. Why do you grill pork chops at 10pm?

    Did you want them to be View Only from the necklaces to the surrounding territories, or should you be able to Attack out of the Necklaces?

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  6. #6 / 27
    Standard Member RiskyBack
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    2 way default borders. I know it messes up the view only of the necklesses but we can't do nothing about that and if you can't attack out of them it's kinda silly since in the Red map it is right in the middle of a path.

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  7. #7 / 27
    Premium Member Yertle
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    Try it now Krock, I believe it should work. I changed just the surrounding territories to a 2 way default border, hopefully I didn't delete any View Only borders, let me know if notice anything out of whack and I'll fix it (but I was careful so hopefully I didn't screw it up :P).

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  8. #8 / 27
    Standard Member RiskyBack
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    It's one of my maps, how much more screwed up can it get?!

    Thanks my turtley friend.

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  9. #9 / 27
    Premium Member KrocK
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    Oh how i love the speed that this site can fix a problem!!!

    and how i love the succulent variations of a pig. i don't think any other animal can taste so good in so many different ways. pork shops, ham, bacon, back-bacon, baby back ribs, and you can wrap bacon around anything (insert sexual innuendo here) i think i hear a lb. of bacon calling me from the freezer.

  10. #10 / 27
    Major General asm asm is offline now
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    KrocK wrote: Oh how i love the speed that this site can fix a problem!!!

    and how i love the succulent variations of a pig. i don't think any other animal can taste so good in so many different ways.

    I am known for starting this argument with anybody. "If you could only eat one animal for the rest of your life, what animal would you choose" and I simply do not see how anyone could pick anything other than a pig.

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  11. #11 / 27
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    asm wrote:
    KrocK wrote: Oh how i love the speed that this site can fix a problem!!!

    and how i love the succulent variations of a pig. i don't think any other animal can taste so good in so many different ways.

    I am known for starting this argument with anybody. "If you could only eat one animal for the rest of your life, what animal would you choose" and I simply do not see how anyone could pick anything other than a pig.

    Pigs are dirty animals. I'd take a cow over a pig any day. Nearly as many options, and way more quantity. Plus, I'd take a bone-in rib-eye over a pork chop any day. Roasts, so many different steaks, beef tips, ribs, brisket, jerky, veal, tenderloins, and so on. I would sincerely miss bacon, but I'd get over it on the first bite of hot, red, marbley goodness.

    Happy Birthday to the ground!!!

  12. #12 / 27
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    Plus, I've never met a beverage that goes well with pork. Pilsner and bacon are exquisite, but once again, I'm not willing to pay for bacon with all the opportunity lost.

    On the other hand, I've never met a beverage that didn't go well with some cut of beef.

    Happy Birthday to the ground!!!

  13. #13 / 27
    Enginerd weathertop
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    if not venison; which has the same possibilities as beef (just less of it), then i'd have to agree with Cram. but venison does have the possibility of bacon, not as good as pork, but still yummy anyway. The only draw back to venison is that you only get about 30-50 pounds of meat out of one, instead of hundreds from a cow.

    mmmm deer. it's what's for dinner

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    Edited Tue 9th Mar 10:41 [history]

  14. #14 / 27
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    weathertop wrote:

    if not venison; which has the same possibilities as beef (just less of it), then i'd have to agree with Cram. but venison does have the possibility of bacon, not as good as pork, but still yummy anyway. The only draw back to venison is that you only get about 30-50 pounds of meat out of one, instead of hundreds from a cow.

    mmmm deer. it's what's for dinner

    I do quite enjoy venison, though I find the wild ones tend not to be fatty enough to really skyrocket into that elite level of decadence. In fact, its practically good for you. I count that against it in a 'desert island meat' competition. I usually end up mixing some pork or beef in with mine for the extra fats when I make it into some kind of tubed meat .

    Happy Birthday to the ground!!!
    Edited Tue 9th Mar 12:10 [history]

  15. #15 / 27
    Factory Worker Edward Nygma
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    I don't dine on swine, I'm all about Beef, it's what's for dinner.

    ...bacon doesn't count.

  16. #16 / 27
    Major General asm asm is offline now
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    Cramchakle wrote:

    Pigs are dirty animals. I'd take a cow over a pig any day. Nearly as many options, and way more quantity. Plus, I'd take a bone-in rib-eye over a pork chop any day. Roasts, so many different steaks, beef tips, ribs, brisket, jerky, veal, tenderloins, and so on. I would sincerely miss bacon, but I'd get over it on the first bite of hot, red, marbley goodness.

    Quantity from a single animal is not an issue. That's not the question.

    Pigs may be dirty, but it's not like your cows are paragons of cleanliness either. Plus, pigs are much smarter, and they're omnivores, which means as a pig-eater I am much higher on the food chain.

    You're just wrong that there are almost as many options from cow. You've got your bacon (obviously), prosciutto, pancetta, salt pork, pork belly, back bacon, and ham - which itself comes in many different forms and flavors. Pork shoulder. Pork butt. Pork tenderloin. Pork chop. Pork knuckle. Sausage, for crying out loud. Which, don't get me started. In Germany alone they have over 1000 different kinds of sausage - all made from pork. Linguica. Carnitas. Chile Verde. Machaca. Al Pastor. Char siew (chinese BBQ pork). While I'm on Chinese dishes: Pork buns (char siew bao). God those are good.

    Pork ribs are far superior to beef ribs. Pork gravy is better than beef gravy. SPAM. If it wasn't for SPAM - made from pork - Hitler would have won WWII and no, that's not a joke. Pork rinds or Chicharonnes - how many snack foods made from beef are there? Because you can make pork jerky too, and it is really good. Pigs were domesticated independently in areas as diverse as the Near East, Far East, central Europe, Italy, northern India, and southeast Asia. You can even cook other things WRAPPED in pork products and it makes them taste better. This is extremely common. Have you ever heard of eating something with a steak wrapped around it? No.

    Again, there's only one right answer to this question. If you were building a Fantasy Meat team, you'd never trade pork for beef. Not only does pork have more different dishes, it has the single best item on either side of the ledger (bacon).

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  17. #17 / 27
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    Really, asm, the versatility goes both ways. Anything pork can do, beef can do. So can goat, or dog. For the final say in this argument, I defer to Jules from Pulp Fiction. Samuel L. Jackson always gets the final say.


    Vincent: Want some bacon?
    Jules: No man, I don't eat pork.
    Vincent: Are you Jewish?
    Jules: Nah, I ain't Jewish, I just don't dig on swine, that's all.
    Vincent: Why not?
    Jules: Pigs are filthy animals. I don't eat filthy animals.
    Vincent: Bacon tastes gooood. Pork chops taste gooood.
    Jules: Hey, sewer rat may taste like pumpkin pie, but I'd never know 'cause I wouldn't eat the filthy motherfucker. Pigs sleep and root in shit. That's a filthy animal. I ain't eat nothin' that ain't got sense enough to disregard its own feces.
    Vincent: How about a dog? Dogs eats its own feces.
    Jules: I don't eat dog either.
    Vincent: Yeah, but do you consider a dog to be a filthy animal?
    Jules: I wouldn't go so far as to call a dog filthy but they're definitely dirty. But, a dog's got personality. Personality goes a long way.
    Vincent: Ah, so by that rationale, if a pig had a better personality, he would cease to be a filthy animal. Is that true?
    Jules: Well we'd have to be talkin' about one charming motherfuckin' pig. I mean he'd have to be ten times more charmin' than that Arnold on Green Acres, you know what I'm sayin'?

    Happy Birthday to the ground!!!

  18. #18 / 27
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    also, this is the most awesome thread derailment ever

    Happy Birthday to the ground!!!

  19. #19 / 27
    Factory Worker Edward Nygma
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    Eating smarter animals doesn't put you higher on the food chain or else human cannibals would be atop the food chain, and besides Hannibal Lecter, I don't think that's true.

  20. #20 / 27
    Moderator...ish. Cramchakle
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    Edward Nygma wrote: Eating smarter animals doesn't put you higher on the food chain or else human cannibals would be atop the food chain, and besides Hannibal Lecter, I don't think that's true.

    I'd eat a bottlenose dolphin for breakfast every day.

    Happy Birthday to the ground!!!

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